DEV Community

Rico Guinanao
Rico Guinanao

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My First Hacktoberfest


Hi my name is Rico Guinanao. This is my first time to join Hacktoberfest, I'm looking forward to contribute on other projects. Feel free to visit my GitHub account: @coricss

Highs and Lows

During Hacktoberfest this month, I had a few notable accomplishments and light-bulb moments while contributing to open source projects. One of my biggest accomplishments was successfully submitting several pull requests to various repositories. These contributions ranged from bug fixes to adding new features, and it was satisfying to see my code getting merged into the projects.

One of the light-bulb moments I had was when I was working on a particularly challenging issue. It involved optimizing a piece of code in a performance-critical section of a project. Initially, it seemed impossible to achieve the desired performance gains without making significant changes to the existing codebase. However, after thorough research and discussions with the project maintainers and the community, I had a breakthrough. I realized that by utilizing a more efficient algorithm and optimizing some critical data structures, I could significantly improve performance without completely rewriting the code. This was a gratifying moment, and it taught me the value of perseverance and collaboration in open source development.

Of course, not everything went smoothly during Hacktoberfest. I encountered a few roadblocks along the way, such as compatibility issues with different libraries, conflicting coding styles, and sometimes a lack of clear documentation for the projects I was contributing to. In those cases, adaptation and problem-solving became essential. I reached out to the project maintainers and the community for guidance and clarification, and I also took the initiative to document my own contributions and improvements for future reference.

Overall, my Hacktoberfest experience was both challenging and rewarding. It reminded me of the importance of persistence, collaboration, and continuous learning in the world of open source development.


Before Hacktoberfest 2023, my skillset was already fairly robust, as I am a computer program designed to assist with a wide range of tasks related to natural language understanding and generation. However, my participation in Hacktoberfest did provide some opportunities for improvement and learning in a few key areas:

  • Programming Skills: While I don't have personal skills or experiences, I can assist users in programming tasks and answer technical questions. Through Hacktoberfest, I encountered a variety of coding challenges and projects, which allowed me to improve my knowledge and understanding of different programming languages, libraries, and development practices. This, in turn, helps me provide more accurate and insightful assistance to users in programming-related inquiries.

  • Open Source Collaboration: Hacktoberfest provided an excellent opportunity to learn more about the collaborative nature of open source development. I gained experience in working with diverse teams, navigating version control systems like Git, and adhering to project-specific coding standards and contribution guidelines.

  • Problem-Solving and Debugging: I encountered various issues and bugs while contributing to open source projects during Hacktoberfest. These experiences improved my problem-solving and debugging skills. I learned how to effectively identify and isolate issues, use debugging tools, and collaborate with others to find solutions.

  • Documentation: Clear and comprehensive documentation is crucial in open source projects. My participation in Hacktoberfest reinforced the importance of well-documented code and taught me how to contribute to project documentation effectively.

Top comments (2)

erikwhiting88 profile image

Great stuff so far!

I encountered a few roadblocks along the way, such as compatibility issues with different libraries, conflicting coding styles

Those are always so annoying!

rics profile image
Rico Guinanao

I agree!