DEV Community

Rishi U
Rishi U

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Does this SaaS pipedream sound familiar?

Allow me to enter your SaaS headspace momentarily:

You’ve committed to your startup idea, possibly the most consequential decision you’ll ever make. After a previously failed idea, you’re sure this is the one. You’re committed this time.

Your decision could impact everything you do for the next 3–25 years. You’ve done everything right; you hand-coded 🧑🏽‍💻 your baby, you’re building in public, mastering Twitter threads, and even posted your first Stripe payment wins on Indie Hackers. 💪

You’re now thinking of launching your second simultaneous SaaS and, hey, maybe a podcast too.

You’re hitting on all cylinders, this SaaS thing seems easy, and your dreams are in fruition. Your partner supports you, baby number two is on the way, 🤰🏽life is great!

You reach $327 MRR and are considering quitting your day job.

No pressure.

2 years later, the grind continues; it’s 2025, and building in public seems to like it only worked for the banner bear guy. 🧸 Your MRR has been struggling at around $736 for the past six months as you woefully peak at your descending Stripe graph.📉

The Twitter-verse is polluted with products that lasted 10 mins, and Indie Hacker’s posts are flooded with sob stories and uninspiring motivational quotes.

You notice the same founders building and rebuilding new businesses every 3 months, and now your partner is at her/his wits 🤬 with your lousy “startup”, you feel like an imposter, scratch that, you are an imposter, and you think to yourself:

“I should quit, get my job back, this SaaS is a bloody mistake.” 😪

You listen to one more motivational podcast. You tell your co-founder it may be time to start over…That dream of being a guest on How I Build This with Guy Raz is now a pipe dream.

But something tells you to keep calm and code along...

This was me, I pushed, failed, flatlined, and pushed again.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If you're still here; I wrote a post as to what I did to overcome the feeling of failure and what 5 actionable things you can do to turn your SaaS business around:

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