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Eric The Coder
Eric The Coder

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The choice of a new dev language, my subconscious has spoken!

Ever since I learned C# I was looking to add a new language to my skills. I was hesitating between PHP, Python, Ruby, and Javascript. So I started to learn the basics of each of these languages and made practical projects to learn/integrate them.

A few months later, I realized that I had learned the basics of all these languages ​​but I still didn't know which one I was to choose for my next project.

Yes I learn 4 new languages in 6 months :) More on that later...

But which one to choose for my next project? The true is any of them will be ok. They are all very mature dev languages.

Ok any of them will work but I was still struggling with my choices...

Until one evening, I had an idea for a great mini project related to my current business. I wanted to do something good and fast.

Without thinking I jumped on my laptop and started typing some code and within hours I had a draft that I was eager to show my associates the next day.

A few days later I re-thought about my choice of language for my next project and I said to myself let your instinct choose.

I said to myself the other day, when you were in a hurry, and you were under pressure, what language did you choose for your draft project?

Without realizing it, I chose Python. I don't know why, I could have done it in any languages but my subconscious chose it.

I guess naturally I have a certain ease/fit with python.

So I stopped pestering myself with this question and decided to trust my instincts. :-) He can't lie to me! Can he?

By the way, along the way, as I learned these new languages ​​I realized how easy it is to learn a new language when you already know one.

The first was Visual Basic and at the time it took me a few years to learn how to program and understand how to use this language.

The second was C# which I learned the basics in three months. For Ruby, Python and PHP it took me even less time.

It's crazy how it’s easy to learn those languages. In fact a lot more than I thought. They have their own particularity, but in general it is the same functioning and internal logic.

I think in a way it's reassuring because in our field it changes very quickly and it has always scared me, I thought that I would be quickly overwhelmed by events ...

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