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Discussion on: What makes someone as a developer employable?

richardundso profile image

Yes I agree with you, being able to do the work is the most fundamental requirement to do the job. Someone who has enough experience in frontend development to work as a junior frontend developer certainly wouldn't meet the requirements for a job offer searching for a senior backend developer.

As someone just beginning to work in this industry I definitely will develop side projects to build a portfolio to show others what I am capable of doing and maybe even write a blog or at least some posts on Finding a mentor for help with projects or problems would be hard, but being surrounded by developers and participating for example in discussions online with other developers also helps getting better as a developer.

I don't know about ways to judge about someones teamwork skills in an interview. In my opinion a job interview is a good way to get to know each other. The interviewee has the chance to answer the interviewers questions from reading the written application and also to ask questions they still have left. The interviewer also gets to know more about the interviewee like their personality and has a chance to determine if the interviewee would fit into the team. To really know how someone works in a team a trial week is probably mandatory. But as someone applying to a job I probably would ask for a trial week since I also would like to know what kind of environment I get to work in and what atmosphere I feel when working there.

Is in your opinion a trial week mandatory? As someone with more experience than me I would like to ask you, is a trial week after an interview common?

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

It may vary from country to country, so I can only speak about what I know (USA). Here, a trial week (or trial period) is pretty uncommon. Most companies I know of just go through interviews (a few rounds usually), and then make a decision.

Sometimes, I've seen companies bring people in for one (paid!) day of work, where they can actually contribute, see what the work is like, etc. That's more rare though.

What does happen here (though still less common than just straight hiring) is "contract to hire" - where a company might hire you for a longer contract (3 - 6 months), and then at the end of that contract they decide whether or not to hire you full time.

Hope that helps :)

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richardundso profile image

Yes , thank you for the insight!