DEV Community

Discussion on: Adding Authentication(Auth0) to Your Laravel 7 Application

ribafs profile image
Ribamar FS

I run with success the application.
I create a user with register, but my password dont recogniced.
What a make to correct it.

shahbaz17 profile image
Mohammad Shahbaz Alam

Happy to know it ran successfully.

You mean to say, you registered a user using email id(username) and password. And while logging in, it says password didn't recognize?

If that is so, can you try to sign up again, and make sure to type your password somewhere else too, and try logging?

If that doesn't solve the problem, let's connect over

Thank you

ribafs profile image
Ribamar FS

Thanks for your quick reply.

The user is in the database, but when I try to log in, the password is not recognized. I created the user again and again does not recognize.

Thread Thread
shahbaz17 profile image
Mohammad Shahbaz Alam

I think, in that case, I need to see the code to help you out here.

ribafs profile image
Ribamar FS

I try to recovery my password but receive

These credentials do not match our records.