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Phase 1 Portfolio Project: A tough but rewarding journey

My first portfolio project for Flatiron Coding Bootcamp was challenging to say the least. Starting out from scratch on your own for the first time with no "learn test" or "rspec" tests to help guide me was overwhelming at first. I started my Phase 1 project out very ambitiously, trying to use a NewsAPI and trying to take steps I was not ready to take. I believe I was trying to make my Command Line Interface (CLI) a little too unique and spent a lot of time just staring at the screen for hours on end wondering what I should do next. In the end, I decided that although my original idea for the NewsAPI CLI I was trying to build was a good idea I needed to take a step back and just show that I understood the fundamentals of Object Oriented programming and how to create a CLI using an API.

I scrapped my NewsAPI and started fresh using the PokeAPI. I planned out my CLI to ask the user for an input to show a list of Pokemon and then prompt them to enter a number corresponding to a Pokemon listed to learn more about that particular Pokemon. I found that using the NewsAPI and struggling through the more advanced hashes and arrays that the PokeAPI was much easier to navigate. Struggling beforehand had made iterating over the hashes and arrays in this API a breeze. It also built my confidence up in showing that I understood what I was actually doing and that all the modules I had completed up to this point had actually stuck with me.

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