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#RenderRoundtable meets Front End Happy Hour

For last week's #RenderRoundtable, we had the pleasure of having libations and lively conversation with Shirley Wu, Jem Young, and Ryan Burgess from none other than the Front-End Happy Hour: a podcast featuring a panel of Software Engineers, who discuss all things front-end.

However, we decided to switch it up and talk about working from home. A lot of us have gotten accustomed to attending meetings with our pajama pants on, napping on our lunch breaks, and zoom meetings with dogs in the background over the past year. For some, it's made us realize how much we hate the commute or love the flexibility, and for other's it's been hard to be as productive or as social.

I think the important thing that we all learned here is that there's drawbacks to every model. While various degrees of remote work and different team structures will work incredibly well for some companies, it simply wont for others. And that's okay! Whatever your working flavor is, what we all agreed on was that working from home has sparked a broader conversation about inclusion. People who normally wouldn't be able to work in certain positions now can, because they can telecommute. And (in theory), they can do so without the backlash that often comes with having a non-traditional schedule or work environment.

As we move towards being an industry that is pioneering being successful from anywhere, we need to be sure that we are empowering, not punishing remote employees. And that teams who choose to be remote or have remote members, do so because they have the resources and are willing to commit to creating an environment where these employees can thrive.

As we approach the arrival of RenderATL, these conversations continue to be of the utmost importance. And while we won't be having a #RenderRoundtable next week, we will be launching our first ever spotlight piece on another dope individual doing great work in tech.

For a sneak peek at who this might be, be sure to follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter. We'll be dropping some exclusive conference previews on Instagram too, so be sure to check us out!

And if you haven't already, check out our menu (chef-cooked meals and drinks are included alllll conference long), take a look at our amazing speakers, and grab a ticket-- there's only a few left, before they're all gone!

Until next time!

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