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Renaissance Engineer
Renaissance Engineer

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Caching Tutorial 2020- System Design Basics

Caching is one of the most important concepts for understanding how to scale systems. Large applications like Twitter and Facebook wouldn't be possible without extensive caching to boost performance. In this video I'll cover:

  • What caching is
  • How it works and why you need it
  • Distributed Caching
  • Cache eviction
  • Cache consistency

If you're interested in other system design topics be sure to check out my other articles and videos

Top comments (2)

yo profile image

We use memcached in which increased our total response time from 260ms to 140ms.

renaissanceengineer profile image
Renaissance Engineer

great stuff, caching isn't really a sexy topic to talk about but it's critical for performance and probably the easiest "win" you can get, much easier than trying to micro-optimize code