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Why should you work remotely

Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, people's work began to shift from offline to online.Then they iscovered the benefits of working remotely.So when the epidemic recedes, most people choose to continue to work remotely or look for remote jobs.Why should you work remotely and what's the magic of remote working? Let me tell you why.


The first is flexibility.When we work remotely,we don’t have to commute and can work when and where we want.We just need to get our work done on time and enjoy the time that we saved by not commuting.

Remote work allows employees to better balance their professional and personal lives. We can manage family, health, or personal needs more easily without rigid office hours.Achieve Work-Life Balance.

We can create a workspace that suits us needs and preferences, improving focus and comfort.

Work from home


When we talk about working remotely, most people would argue that the efficiency is not as high as the onsite office. But the truth is that working remotely is much more productive. Because working from home allows us to focus more on our work and not be affected by the environment. Without office interruptions (e.g., meetings, casual conversations), many people find they can focus better and complete tasks more efficiently.

Flexible working hours allow us to choose to work in the optimal working state instead of 9 to 5.Some people are more productive at different times of the day, and remote work allows them to tailor their schedules to maximize output.


Actually,working from home is that you don't have to be home to work.You can travel the world and work remotely. Thanks to remote working, people no longer need to live near a major city to get good job opportunities.Remote workers are taking advantage of this by moving to smaller, cheaper towns.
Work remotely

Cost saving

  • For the remote worker: We can save money on transportation, meals, and other expenses related to working outside the home.Because there are no restrictions on location, we can work for companies in big cities and live in somewhere costs are lower.

  • For the company: Companies save on office space, utilities, and other operational costs when employees work remotely.

Health and Well-Being

Remote work eliminates long commutes and allows for more time for self-care and relaxation.Employees can take breaks when needed, engage in activities that improve well-being, and avoid the stress of a rigid office environment.Avoiding long commutes and face-to-face office politics can help us feel better psychologically and more well-being.

There you have it! Working from home is awesome. Look at this if you don't know how to find a remote job.Of course, it's not all sunshine.I will talk about that in next article.Whatever,the remote work is the future.Come and have a look.Let’s find a remote job with Work-Life Balance.

Top comments (17)

jagedn profile image

totally agree but I don't like to use the typical picture of some relaxed in the beach

it transmit the feeling you're working relaxed, seeing the see, watching waves .... and not working and this is not good to convince companies about the good points you mention later

remotewlb profile image

Yes, but it's very attractive to employees

jagedn profile image

They are convinced, we need to convince companies

linjiadian profile image

I think I should quit my 9 to 5 job and find a remote job.

kernelpanik profile image
Joseph Redman

Companies found that programmers could work remotely at a lower cost.
instead of making their teams remote they sacked them and hired loads of overseas workers at a low pay rate to do their dev for them.

remotewlb profile image

There is a possibility that remote work will change the existing employment pattern, but some companies still insist on recruiting based on the salary level of the company's location.

ethanleetech profile image
Ethan Lee

Yes, I think remote job is allow me to be more productive.

remotewlb profile image

Productive is important for a designer or writer.

latex_wei profile image
LaTex wei

As an empolyee, i support WFH.
But if i were the employer, i would say ...No...

remotewlb profile image

We should find a way let empolyee and employer support work remotely.

willis profile image

Location is the main point for me.

remotewlb profile image

Yes, we can work anywhere

wladimirsouza profile image

I tried a remote job last month. I got my interview for a company in Poland but unfortunally I didnt get it. But I will keep trying.

remotewlb profile image

So pity, try to find new remote jobs.Welcome to provide usage testminational.

wladimirsouza profile image

Is it possible to find jobs for entry level? Some startups, or small companies seeking developers around the world?

wladimirsouza profile image

Thanks for your message. I will take a look on this website.

saamiabbaskhan profile image
Saami abbas Khan

For me, the most honest reason is being able to stay close to my family. If you have the chance, I believe you should take it.