DEV Community

Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

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eSlayers part 5 - data fetching strikes back

So I went back to working on my application, and my website broke. I was trying to fetch my summoner name and it would throw an error when it tried fetching data for my rankings.

I did some digging and it turns out the data that was being returned from the first fetch was not finished so by the time it got to the second fetch it would error out. Since I am using useSWR I had to read the docs to see if there was anything that I could use that would allow me to fetch data dependent on the first fetch.

Conditional Fetching

useSWR allows you to fetch data dependent on whatever you want. In my case, I need to make my fetch dependent on the summoner name and summoner ID being passed into my fetches.

I refactored some of my code so now I can reuse fetching summoner and fetching league

Fetch Summoner

Fetch League

Summoner Component

Now that I figured that headache out I can move on to fetching match history.

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