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nzb | a way to add tasks and check them off right from the command line!

GitHub logo reisub0 / nzb

Get Things Done® with nzb, a beautiful terminal interface for Nozbe. Inspired by Wunderline

Nzb Build Status made-with-rust

A beautiful CLI front-end for Nozbe written in Rust.

The core functionality of the excellent Wunderline app for Wunderlist is already present.

What is Nozbe?

Nozbe is an amazing to-do list and task management system that follows the Getting Things Done (GTD)® philosophy. The basic idea is to have an Inbox where you simply fill ideas and tasks as you get them throughout the day. Tasks in the Inbox are further processed based on their priority and urgency, and then finally, executed.

Nozbe has pretty good apps for web, desktop and mobile. However, I found all these quite lacking in terms of speed and usability. The overhead of switching between my projects to find the certain task I wanted to mark as done was a bit too much to handle. So I took some inspiration from the Wunderline app, and made this!


  • Extremely usable interface

  • Takes literally 10…

Hey guys!

I recently started getting really into Rust so I decided to write my own app in it! This app is for this task management app called Nozbe which implements a system called GTD(Getting Things Done).

The basic idea is to have an Inbox where you simply fill ideas and tasks as you get them throughout the day. Tasks in the Inbox are further processed based on their priority and urgency, and then finally, executed.

Nozbe has pretty good apps for web, desktop and mobile. However, I found all these quite lacking in terms of speed and usability. The overhead of switching between my projects to find the certain task I wanted to mark as done was a bit too much to handle. So I took some inspiration from the amazing Wunderline app, and made this!

I had to learn a lot of libraries to make API requests, to print data prettily, to serialise JSON, to fuzzy matching task names. It has been a blast, but now I'm finally ready to share this work with others.

It's made me love Rust a whole lot, because it's just so easy to work with. And unlike the other projects I've worked on in Python, I'm completely confident in my code because I know I've handled all the cases. The language simply ensures that with its strict type system.

That's all I have to say today!
Until next time!

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