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Discussion on: AWS Lambda + Rust

redhoodjt1988 profile image
Jonathan Reeves

Thanks for this article. I tried using Windows to follow along, though I prefer MacOS I have been using Windows for most of my development projects, I wasn't able to get past trying to install the FiloSottile piece. So I will be getting a MacBook soon and will try following along again at that point. But wanted to ask you what resources you used to learn Rust and what projects you would recommend helped you learn the basics of the language. Thanks.

rad_val_ profile image
Valentin Radu • Edited

For the language itself I think the book is all you need. For libraries, frameworks and best practices, I used a mix between migrating what I've already knew from other languages and using Google to see how Rustaceans do it. This might not work for everyone tho.

redhoodjt1988 profile image
Jonathan Reeves

Awesome. Thank you. I have the book and have been going through it. I was just curious about whether or not it was worth trying another project in between going through the book or just go through the book then try my hand at a project.