DEV Community

Raji Ayinla
Raji Ayinla

Posted on

I Made A Website To Teach Others JavaScript

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I've redesigned my basic tutorial site to help beginners learn JavaScript by teaching in an approachable way. I took the lessons learned from a coding bootcamp to help communicate JavaScript concepts.

Here's the website:
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Here's a little about what inspired me to create this site, taken from my about me page:

I’m a hobbyist coder and serial writer. I designed this website and wrote these articles to teach others how to code this mystical language called JavaScript. When I was first learning to code, I was frustrated by the lack of practical articles. The articles that did go in depth usually were too advanced, and the ones that took their time felt shallow. I always wanted to have everything I needed on one website. I wanted articles that were well explained, ones that used good analogies to allow me to visualize the concepts.

I believe this website would’ve helped “past” me. As a Dev Bootcamp graduate who has a degree in English Literature, I believe that I can communicate tough ideas in a way that everyone can understand–be they novice or experienced. Feel free to ask for help, because your voice will only improve this website as it continues to grow. Thanks for reading.

Happy coding, and stay safe

Raji Ayinla.

Top comments (1)

klemenm profile image

This looks like great tutorial! I am beginner and i find this tutorial easy to follow. Thank you for this amazing tutorial!