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Discussion on: A Clean Approach to Using Express Validator

reak45 profile image

Great post! However I have a question. Can this be merged in a single middleware? Instead of two functions?

nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie • Edited

Certainly yes, I've recently made an improvement to it in my personal codes. The validator takes schema as a param. I found it cleaner and I'd update the article ASAP. Below is what it looks like:

const { body, validationResult} = require('express-validator');

const validate = (schemas)  => {
    return async (req, res, next) => {
      await Promise.all( =>;

      const result = validationResult(req);
      if (result.isEmpty()) {
        return next();

      const errors = result.array();
      return  res.send(errors)
 const exampleSchema = [
   body('foo', 'The foo field is required').notEmpty(),
];'/foos', validate(exampleSchema), fooHandler);

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reak45 profile image

This is just awesome! Thank you so much!

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nedsoft profile image
Chinedu Orie


leblancmeneses profile image
Leblanc Meneses

How would you implement mutually exclusive properties like google maps geocoding?
can be either: address or latlng but not both

seems oneOf is middleware not a ValidationChain[]. I'm handling it manually using a custom rule because that allows me to continue using similar "validate" middleware, although, what else are we missing by having this convenience "validate" wrapper .

Great writeup!