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Anyone can help in tailwind?

I am facing some issues with tailwind postcss. None of the class are working.

I am working with simple html file no framework.
Installed tailwind as using npm using vscode.

Any help will be greatful!

Top comments (6)

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg • Edited

You can use tailwind CLI to build you tailwindcss:
npx tailwindcss build styles.css -o output.css
You can also use npx tailwindcss help build to learn more, as stated in their installation section here - and then you also have a whole repo with examples on how to setup tailwind with a bunch of different frameworks and environments from the tailwind guys and gals over here.

Hope that helps. 😀

readthroughmyglasses profile image

Hey I have done the same as mentioned in installation section it is not working

alphaion profile image
Rishabh Singh • Edited

There are multiple methods to installing Tailwind CSS in your Local Project Directory

  1. By using NPM (Node Package Manager)
    make a project folder
    in project folder type:
    npm install tailwindcss

  2. By using Yarn
    make a project folder
    in project folder type:
    yarn add tailwindcss

  3. Just use the CDN
    inside your directory
    make a html file
    inside html file just paste

and there we go for Tailwind
I prefer the CDN, its best and Easy to established

Pro TIP!!

just Explore this, templates!!

happy Coding...

readthroughmyglasses profile image

Hey thanks I tried with npm using the documentation it is not working I don't know why, actually I want to customize some attributes in cdn that's not possible.

kartiknair profile image
Kartik Nair

Here's a simple tutorial on how to set things up using parcel bundler:

readthroughmyglasses profile image

Hi, thanks I will definitely try this one but I curious to know why the post-cli method is not working for me! Many tutorials work with the same installation as shown on tailwind site🙈