DEV Community

What technology would you use to create a portfolio?

Filippo Ferrando Damillano on May 31, 2022

Hi to all1, I'm struggling to choose a framework/thing to create my portfolio; i don't want a complicated thing, like many page or something, what i was thinking is much more a responsive, beautiful, single page site to describe me in some words.
Can you give me some advices? Thanks to All!

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

I would recommend not making one, an interesting and active GitHub account (warts and all) is a much better way for employers to get an idea of your capabilities

twwli profile image
Olivier Guillard

An active GitHub account is not always a good indicator. In my case, the majority of the projects I've worked on over the past few years are confidential, hence absent from my public Github. Therefore, in my case, a portfolio is more than necessary.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

What's in the portfolio if the majority of projects are confidential?

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twwli profile image
Olivier Guillard

Unfortunately, I cannot display them in my portfolio neither.

zoreankit profile image
Ankit Zore

How do i start contributing to OSS most of the time it seems overwhelming don't know where to start. I have contributed in some issue fixes with PR but those projects are not much active(PR were not reviewed). I want to participate in contributing OSS do you have any advice?

guithomas profile image
Guilherme Thomas

Look for "good first issues". It's the best way I know to start contributing to OSS.

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zoreankit profile image
Ankit Zore


p_s_1fb5f6a94548da9bd1865 profile image

Never hurts to have one!

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

Actually not true. A poorly constructed portfolio has been a key reason for me not hiring a good few developers

twankrui profile image
Twan kruiswijk

Lately I've been going back to plain old HTML, CSS, and some JS. If I don't need to fetch any data, it's the fastest/most simple way to get something online.

However, my personal site is written in Remix.JS (for the blog and some other small shenanigans. NextJS is also a great option.

p2510 profile image

i used nuxt . because ... , i think that it's simple . if i don't need to call api or add system "send me a message " , i choose html/css/js . excuse me for my level of langage , i speak french . bood luck

skylersaville profile image
Skyler Saville

Love me some Nuxt

colthands profile image
Aleksey • Edited

I'd say some static site renderer will do the job, but just plain old html/css/js just works as fine as it can.

But those static site generators use so much useless boilerplate.

Eleventy 11ty is a really good solution, a SSG, but no react or vue, just like we used to have an express.js with pug, jade, or ejs templates back in the day when people used ember.js because angualar sucked, but on frontend.

rdfilippo profile image
Filippo Ferrando Damillano

Hey! i have some updates, i've just finished writing my portfolio (even if it is not quite finished).
At the end i've used AstroJS with the portfolio theme (i'm not great at UI design).
So the end result is like this:

Thanks to all for the suggestions!!!

hnrq profile image
Henrique Ramos • Edited

I'd use Svelte, mainly because of its performance and the flip function, which helps animating things. For styling, probably I'd go w/ Sass. Also, if I wanted some complex animations, I'd use GSAP

vlajd profile image
Vlajd • Edited

I'm currently working on my own portfolio page using Svelte (actually for the first time using it), and I think I'll never want to go back to plain HTML/CSS/ja ever again. I've never experienced sooo much convenience ever, especially when it comes to interactivity and responsiveness.

So I'd go for Svelte, main points are easy to use/learn and install and super lightweight.

jwhenry3 profile image
Justin Henry

For starters, I'd suggest that each of your projects in Github (that you want to be seen by potential employers) should use (github pages) to host your demo/documentation in a presentable way. This tells them that you care about how your projects are consumed and that you care about the developers consuming them.

I would reference those github pages on your portfolio site with maybe a screenshot of each project (would be even better if you can set up SEO for the project and have it give you that out of the box).

For the actual stack of the portfolio site, use whatever tools come natural to you, whether it's plain (html, css, js) or react/angular/solidjs/vue/svelte.
There is no wrong way to go about it, but if you use the tools you want to develop for within your portfolio site, it is more impressive since it is a showcase in itself that you are experienced with the tools.

stk_79 profile image
Sarthak Pati

Nice Explanation 💯

rdfilippo profile image
Filippo Ferrando Damillano

now i'm evaluating:

  • Svelte
  • 11ty
  • Hugo Some pro and cons?
rdfilippo profile image
Filippo Ferrando Damillano

well, i changed my mind, i'm build one using AstroJS.
Really fast and simple

crtl profile image
crtl • Edited

Plain old CSS/SCSS,JS and HTML maybe some PHP if required.
I never understood why anyone would use frameworks like React with SSG or SSR for their own portfolio site...

rdfilippo profile image
Filippo Ferrando Damillano

Can you explain what SSG ans SSR are? i never seen this terms

crtl profile image
crtl • Edited

SSG is Static Site Generation meaning the code is executed at buildtime to produce a static html file with the components (in case of react) already rendered.
SSR is Server Side Rendering which does the same but on the server side for each request (if not cached)

spanksyou1 profile image

I've been wondering the same question for myself and found a portfolio is a great way to show off your talents in some newer tech stacks you might not get to use in projects yet. I found writing a site as a PWA or in NEXT.js might be the best way to show off talent plus PWA's and NEXT.js have been gaining a ton of support and popularity in the enterprise space

codewithcaen profile image
CodeWithCaen • Edited

If you are a frontend developer I would suggest seeing building a portfolio as a fun challenge with some new technology as a way to learn. However if you just want to get something online quickly and without much effort, I'd suggest using some kind of static site generator. I built one that's free and open-source called HydePHP. You can create a great looking site that "just works" out of the box. You can even create all your content in Markdown. All the TailwindCSS styles are already there as it Hyde comes with a great starter kit and frontend template that's both responsive and has a dark theme. The site then gets compiled to static HTML which is easy cheap and fast to deploy.

You can learn more at, and feel free to ping me if you have any questions!

psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi

My first portfolio was something I just threw together so it would be there. I decided to actually sit down and plan it.
Initially I had thought of Nextjs, but decided on Eleventy, had it up and ready in far less time than if i had the other route

It's very fun to use and highjy customisable (Eleventy) . I'm currently doing a series on it if you're interested

deozza profile image
Edenn Touitou

I have used Nuxtjs for mine last year, because I wanted a framework with automatic routing based on file path and a static site. Also I was really into Nuxtjs at that time.

Now that I tasted Svelte with Sveltekit, if I had to do it again I would use Sveltekit. It has the same features as Nuxtjs, but is way easier to code with. And the end project is lighter as Svelte is a compiler

smppatel99999 profile image
Sahil Patel

If you just want a single page site then without any doubt go for the trio, HTML CSS & JS. If you want a blog attached with your portfolio or more pages then go with Next ja & mdx. I wrote my portfolio in Gridsome because i mostly use Vue. But now I am rewriting it in next js. Hope it helps.

michaelfmnk profile image
Michael Fomenko • Edited

I'm mostly developing back-end, so I would use Hugo (static site generator).
For now I'm using Wix, I would not say that I like it that much, but it gets the job done. If I continue writing posts, I think I'll make a switch to Hugo.
My site if you're interested:

hycord profile image
Hycord • Edited

I just finished the first draft of my personal website today using plain html/js (I used bootstrap because fuck css)

tzwel profile image

you used bootstrap because you don't know css

admit it

rdfilippo profile image
Filippo Ferrando Damillano

i mean, i cant lie and say no, but yes
(but sass is better)

cppshane profile image
Shane Duffy

fuck CSS and fuck Bootstrap

Sass is the way

findfreecourses profile image
Find Free Courses

How about tailwind?

jeremymonatte profile image

As i think my portfolio as a showroom of what i can do, I'll use the same technology than i use in my job. So i'll probably use laminas or next. But I you aren't used with any framework, just use the languages you know, without frameworks. If you just want to make a small portfolio, sin,gle page, you clearly just do it with HTML/CSS/JS without any framework

jsevillap profile image
Jesús Sevilla

I made mine using 11ty that way you get the benefit of being a static site (mainly the loading speed static sites are king when it comes to speed) without so much overhead

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I would go with React or Next.js.

dlmarques profile image
Daniel Marques

I’ve created mine with React, it’s more about your choice.
Just start it mate!

tzwel profile image

why are you even considering using a framework for a simple portfolio website? use pure html, css and optionally js, thats all you need

chirchirx1 profile image
chirchirx1 • Edited

React is really great for developing a portfolio.

raziul profile image
Raziul Islam

For the frontend HTML, TailwindCSS, JS (if needed).
Laravel on backend

ivaantorres profile image
Iván Torres García

I'd use Astro.
It's a new tech but it works perfectly creating static content, like a portfolio.
Plus, you're able to use any framework you desire such as React, VueJS, etc. You can even mix them.

souksyp profile image
Souk Syp. • Edited

You will like AstroJS. Frontend agnostic. Compiled with minimal js. Only static tho.

drwrongmo profile image
Jon Wright

I'm not a designer, so I used a template.

It's not using anything too special other than Bootstrap and Gulp. I published on Github pages.

jenueldev profile image
Jenuel Oras Ganawed

Hi! since I am a VueJS developer, I suggest using vue JS. its really awesome, easy to use and it has a lot of features your going to love.

I used it on my portfolio, heres mine.

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

One of my npm package github link work well under job search.

dilutewater profile image
Rachit Khurana

Just keep it simple and informative. You can use bootstrap/bulma/tailwind for easier designing. Just make one static website, thats all

abdulahadhdev profile image

I've use to create portfolio with ReactJS.

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Core html css 🚩🚩🚩🚩

canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre

GitHub pages with a Jekyll template

vietmle_ profile image
Viet Le

Can try static site generator (I use Hugo for my Blog)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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rdfilippo profile image
Filippo Ferrando Damillano

now i'm evaluating:
Some pro and cons?

oumaymasghayer profile image
Oumayma JavaScript Developer

I would recommend using a static site generator, as its faster to load and easier to deploy.
If you're femiliar with react, I think gatsby would be the best option.