DEV Community

Discussion on: Upgrade your project with linters, prettier & husky

razzmatazz710 profile image

this is a lazy article.

"ESLint (For generalizing the style standards for js code)"
eslint is not only for styling. it's a linter. and linters are a tool that analyzes source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and suspicious constructs.

"Prettier (For indenting your codebase evenly)"
prettier is not only for indentation. it's a code formatter.

Husky (Running the tests and commit convention check in local machine before commiting so that you don't face linting and test fail errors afterwords)
husky has hooks that other than pre-commit.

and oh so many spelling errors. this shouldn't be an "upgrade" to a project, this is a standard to every modern projects out there. if you're not following any of these, you simply do not care about writing clean code and collaboration.

kaiwalyakoparkar profile image
Kaiwalya Koparkar

Thank you so much for your thoughts. :) That means a lot. I am still learning these things and trying to put forward my learning. Things you just mentioned have surely added to my knowledge I appreciate it! More suggestions for room to improvement are always welcome. I will surely look onto your topics :)