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Cover image for "Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead."

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"Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead."

Recently, everyone is getting this message from Github.

So, Github has removed the support for password authentication and now we have to use Personal Access Token (PAT) in place of passwords to authenticate ourselves.


Let's see how this works and move on to our lives!

  • Go to your settings

  • Select Developer Settings
    Developer Settings

  • Select Personal Access Token and click on Generate new token
    Genrate new token

  • Select expiration duration and scopes for the token.
    Create Token

  • Once token is created make sure to copy your token to somewhere safe because you won't be able to see it again.
    If you lost it, you will have to create a new one.
    Token Created

  • Now, you can use your PAT in place of your password and your code will be pushed.
    Code pushed

If you don't want to enter your PAT every time, you can save your git credentials in cache.

git config --global credential.helper cache
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That's it, now we can get back to our bugs peacefully!

Top comments (1)

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Arunanshu Biswas

An even better solution exists! "Encrypt the credentials with GPG and store it".

Check this for more info:

The project: arunanshub/git-credential-netconf