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Handling Errors in Vue.js

Raymond Camden on May 01, 2019

I’ve been spending the last year working with, writing about, and presenting on my favorite framework, Vue.js, and realized that I had yet to look ...
herrbertling profile image
Markus Siering

I think (and am not sure as well 😄) you can compare errorCaptured to React’s error boundaries (=>

So you’d also use them in Vue to capture errors and (through returning false) confine the error to a certain component nesting level. Could be very helpful to shield e.g. network requests within a part of your app from crashing the whole thing… I think 🤔

raymondcamden profile image
Raymond Camden

Interesting. I don't know React and I keep thinking I need to make the time to get to know it better.

herrbertling profile image
Markus Siering

Have worked with it before switching jobs and thus starting with Vue. I like Vue way more regarding ease of use. I think it helps to become familiar with React’s basic ideas. A lot is similar to Vue and some things are “further out there” like Suspense and all that fancy stuff 😄

raymondcamden profile image
Raymond Camden

So that's a good point. I didn't actually show doing something useful with the error capturing. My main point for this article was that aspect though - how to recognize errors from a Vue app. What you do then is... well up to you. In a normal case I'd assume you would show something to the user in a friendly, non-technical manner.

slidenerd profile image

so based on all the methods above, which one do you use in your Vue apps? I am using Nuxt SSR on my end hence the question

raymondcamden profile image
Raymond Camden

Honestly I haven't thought about this in some time (and all my Embeds were broken, fixed now!). Probably the app wide errorHandler, but with try/catch in things like fetch() calls.

raymondcamden profile image
Raymond Camden

You wouldn't show something to the user? Well you said "specific", but to be clear, I said to tell the user something "friendly, non-technical". I think we're saying the same thing though. :)

davidsbond profile image
David Bond

Wasn't aware of these error handling hooks for Vue, thanks for the post!

raymondcamden profile image
Raymond Camden

You are most welcome!