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What is Two-way binding in Angular?

Two-way binding in Angular is a data-binding technique that enables synchronization of data between a component's view and its underlying model. It allows changes made to the data in either the view or the model to be automatically reflected in the other, creating a bidirectional flow of data.

In Angular, two-way binding is denoted by the [(ngModel)] directive. It is commonly used with form controls such as input fields, checkboxes, and select dropdowns. The [(ngModel)] directive combines both property binding and event binding into a single syntax, facilitating the synchronization of data.

Here's an example of two-way binding using [(ngModel)] in an Angular template:

<input [(ngModel)]="name" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, the input field is bound to a variable named "name" in the component's model. Any changes made to the input field will automatically update the "name" variable, and conversely, any changes to the "name" variable will be reflected in the input field.

Two-way binding simplifies the process of managing and updating data in Angular applications. It eliminates the need for manually listening to events and updating the model or view separately. With two-way binding, the view and the model stay in sync, providing a seamless and efficient way to handle user input and update application state. By obtaining Angular Course, you can advance your career in Angular. With this course, you can demonstrate your expertise in applications using React concepts such as Angular Modules, Components, Databinding, Angular Forms, Angular Directives and Pipes, Services and Dependency Injection (DI), many more fundamental concepts, and many more critical concepts among others.

It's important to note that two-way binding using [(ngModel)] requires the FormsModule to be imported in the Angular module and the [(ngModel)] directive to be used within a form element or a component that supports two-way binding.

Additionally, two-way binding can be customized using additional features such as input validation, data transformation, and event handling. Angular provides mechanisms to extend and enhance two-way binding functionality to meet specific application requirements.

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