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What is "main" method in Java?

In Java, the "main" method is a critical entry point for executing a Java program. It is a special method that serves as the starting point for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to begin program execution. When a Java application is run, the JVM looks for the "main" method and executes the code within it. The "main" method has a specific signature and structure:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // The program's logic and functionality go here
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Here's a breakdown of the key elements of the "main" method:

  • public: It is an access modifier that indicates the "main" method is accessible from outside the class.

  • static: This keyword signifies that the "main" method belongs to the class itself rather than an instance of the class. This is crucial because the JVM needs to call the "main" method without creating an object of the class.

  • void: The "main" method doesn't return any value. It simply initiates the program's execution.

  • String[] args: This parameter is an array of strings that can be used to pass command-line arguments to the program. Command-line arguments are useful for customizing the behavior of the program when it is run.

The code inside the "main" method is where the program's logic resides. It can include statements to perform tasks, calculations, and interactions with the user or external resources. The "main" method is where the program begins execution and continues until it reaches the end of the "main" method or encounters a specific exit condition. Apart from it by obtaining Java Training, you can advance your career in Java. With this course, you can demonstrate your expertise in Core Java & J2EE basic and advanced concepts and popular frameworks like Hibernate, Spring & SOA, many more fundamental concepts, and many more.

In summary, the "main" method in Java is a special function that serves as the entry point for running a Java program. It is where the program's execution begins, and developers can define the core functionality of their Java applications within this method.

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