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Language Feature Deep Dive: Python's Structural Pattern Matching

Hello, fellow developers! Today, we're diving deep into one of Python's newer and more exciting features: structural pattern matching. Introduced in Python 3.10, this feature brings a powerful and expressive way to work with complex data structures. Let's explore how it works and how you can use it in your projects.

What is Structural Pattern Matching?

Structural pattern matching is a way to examine data structures and execute code based on their shape and content. It's similar to switch statements in other languages, but much more powerful. With pattern matching, you can:

  • Match against data types
  • Destructure complex data structures
  • Use wildcard and OR patterns
  • Bind variables within patterns

Let's look at some examples to see how this works in practice.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for pattern matching uses the match and case keywords:

def describe_type(data):
    match data:
        case int():
            return "It's an integer"
        case str():
            return "It's a string"
        case list():
            return "It's a list"
        case _:
            return "It's something else"

print(describe_type(42))        # Output: It's an integer
print(describe_type("Hello"))   # Output: It's a string
print(describe_type([1, 2, 3])) # Output: It's a list
print(describe_type({1, 2, 3})) # Output: It's something else
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In this example, we're matching against different types. The _ in the last case is a wildcard that matches anything.


One of the most powerful aspects of pattern matching is its ability to destructure complex data structures:

def process_user(user):
    match user:
        case {"name": str(name), "age": int(age)} if age >= 18:
            return f"{name} is an adult"
        case {"name": str(name), "age": int(age)}:
            return f"{name} is a minor"
        case _:
            return "Invalid user data"

print(process_user({"name": "Alice", "age": 30}))  # Output: Alice is an adult
print(process_user({"name": "Bob", "age": 15}))    # Output: Bob is a minor
print(process_user({"name": "Charlie"}))           # Output: Invalid user data
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Here, we're destructuring a dictionary and binding variables in the process. We're also using a guard (if age >= 18) to add an additional condition to a case.

OR Patterns

You can use the | operator to specify multiple patterns in a single case:

def classify_number(num):
    match num:
        case 0 | 1 | 2:
            return "Small number"
        case int(x) if x > 1000:
            return "Big number"
        case int():
            return "Medium number"
        case _:
            return "Not a number"

print(classify_number(1))       # Output: Small number
print(classify_number(500))     # Output: Medium number
print(classify_number(1001))    # Output: Big number
print(classify_number("hello")) # Output: Not a number
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Matching Sequences

Pattern matching is particularly useful for working with sequences like lists or tuples:

def analyze_sequence(seq):
    match seq:
        case []:
            return "Empty sequence"
        case [x]:
            return f"Single-element sequence: {x}"
        case [x, y]:
            return f"Two-element sequence: {x} and {y}"
        case [x, *rest]:
            return f"Sequence starting with {x}, followed by {len(rest)} more elements"

print(analyze_sequence([]))           # Output: Empty sequence
print(analyze_sequence([1]))          # Output: Single-element sequence: 1
print(analyze_sequence([1, 2]))       # Output: Two-element sequence: 1 and 2
print(analyze_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4])) # Output: Sequence starting with 1, followed by 3 more elements
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This example shows how to match against sequences of different lengths and how to use the * operator to capture remaining elements.


Structural pattern matching is a powerful feature that can make your code more readable and expressive, especially when dealing with complex data structures. It's particularly useful in scenarios like:

  • Parsing command-line arguments
  • Implementing state machines
  • Working with abstract syntax trees
  • Processing structured data (e.g., JSON responses from APIs)

Now it's your turn! How have you used (or how do you plan to use) structural pattern matching in your projects? Share your experiences or ideas in the comments below. Have you found any particularly clever uses for this feature? Any challenges you've encountered? Let's discuss!

Remember, pattern matching is still a relatively new feature in Python, so always check your Python version (3.10+) before using it in your projects. Happy coding!

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