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2 Crucial Insights Every Developer Should Know

If you just started your career in tech or you are in the development industry these few crucial Insights I recommend to you...

You know what when I started programming in 2018 the first thing I learn is the Windows command while learning CS50 Harvard University (Online Courses) in the beginning it was boring but a few months later it helped me to learn git.

*The command line interface (GIT) offers several advantages over graphical user interfaces (GUI) in many development scenarios.

1. Master Version Control

Using GIT often requires a deeper understanding of system operations, which can be beneficial for developers in the long run

GIT commands can be executed much faster than navigating through multiple GUI menus.

Resource usage:

CLI typically uses fewer system resources than GUI applications, which is beneficial when working on remote servers or less powerful machines.

Remote access:

When working with remote servers, CLI is often the only or the most efficient way to interact with the system.


Text processing


Consistency across systems

Learning and understanding
*Here are some basic commands *

git init: Initializes a new Git repository.
git clone <repository_url>: Clones an existing repository.
git add <file>: Adds a file to the staging area.
git commit -m "Commit message": Commits changes to the local repository.
git push <remote> <branch>: Pushes changes to a remote repository.
git pull <remote> <branch>: Pulls changes from a remote repository.
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For learn git and GitHub here are the best learning free resources

Learn Git branching practicaly

2. Prioritize Code Readability

Why readable code matters:
Readability makes code easier to understand, debug, and maintain

Clever code may save a few lines but hurts long-term maintainability

Future developers (including your future self) will thank you!

// Function to calculate the square of a number
 * Calculates the square of a given number.
 * @param {number} num - The number to square.
 * @returns {number} The square of the input number.
function square(num: number): number {
  // Check for valid input 
  if (typeof num !== 'number') {
    throw new Error('Input must be a number');

  return num * num;

// Example usage
const result = square(5);
console.log(`The square of 5 is: ${result}`);

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This code:

1) Has a clear, descriptive function name
2) Uses JSDoc comments to explain the purpose and parameters
3) Includes type annotations for the parameter and return type
4) Includes a basic input validation check
5) Keeps the function short and to the point
6) Uses consistent formatting and indentation

Best Tool
I like to share an online tool that is very effective in this situation
If you found code like this

Hard to read

Beare clear the code

and after clearing the code

After clear the code

You could find more effective and easy-to-use tools and many options on this website that help a lot for developers
check this link

Hope you found helpful content.

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