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Cover image for Deploying Vite / React App to GitHub Pages
Rashid Shamloo
Rashid Shamloo

Posted on • Updated on

Deploying Vite / React App to GitHub Pages

Just follow these simple steps:

1. Install the gh-pages package (ctrl+~ to open the terminal in VS Code)

npm install gh-pages --save-dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

2. In the package.json file add these lines before "build": "vite build",

"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d dist",
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. In the vite.config.js file add this line before plugins: [react()],

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Change YOUR_REPOSITORY_NAME to the name of your GitHub repository.

4. In terminal type

npm run deploy
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

🎉 You now have a gh-pages branch in your repository and your app is deployed (you can check it under Settings -> Pages )

P.S. To update your app deployment, just run the npm run deploy command again.

Top comments (51)

chesterchan1119 profile image
Chester Chan

hi! Everything seems working but I got white screen.

here are the logs:

vite v4.4.7 building for production...
node_modules/@chevrotain/utils/lib/src/to-fast-properties.js (24:4) Use of eval in "node_modules/@chevrotain/utils/lib/src/to-fast-properties.js" is strongly discouraged as it poses security risks and may cause issues with minification.
node_modules/@mediapipe/tasks-vision/vision_bundle.mjs (1:25466) Use of eval in "node_modules/@mediapipe/tasks-vision/vision_bundle.mjs" is strongly discouraged as it poses security risks and may cause issues with minification.
node_modules/@mediapipe/tasks-vision/vision_bundle.mjs (1:26534) Use of eval in "node_modules/@mediapipe/tasks-vision/vision_bundle.mjs" is strongly discouraged as it poses security risks and may cause issues with minification.
✓ 1528 modules transformed.
Generated an empty chunk: "@mediapipe".
Generated an empty chunk: "bidi-js".
Generated an empty chunk: "camera-controls".
Generated an empty chunk: "chevrotain".
Generated an empty chunk: "detect-gpu".
Generated an empty chunk: "fflate".
Generated an empty chunk: "ktx-parse".
Generated an empty chunk: "lodash".
Generated an empty chunk: "lodash.clamp".
Generated an empty chunk: "lodash.omit".
Generated an empty chunk: "lodash.pick".
Generated an empty chunk: "meshline".
Generated an empty chunk: "mmd-parser".
Generated an empty chunk: "opentype.js".
Generated an empty chunk: "potpack".
Generated an empty chunk: "regexp-to-ast".
Generated an empty chunk: "stats-gl".
Generated an empty chunk: "stats.js".
Generated an empty chunk: "three-mesh-bvh".
Generated an empty chunk: "troika-three-text".
Generated an empty chunk: "troika-three-utils".
Generated an empty chunk: "troika-worker-utils".
Generated an empty chunk: "webgl-sdf-generator".
Generated an empty chunk: "zstddec".
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dist/assets/react-dom-77fb4078.js 134.08 kB │ gzip: 43.20 kB
dist/assets/three-85ffa1fd.js 631.28 kB │ gzip: 162.21 kB
✓ built in 7.00s

3d_portfolio@0.0.0 deploy
gh-pages -d dist


rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo

Your log says that your app has been built and published successfully.
After that, you need to debug your code to see why exactly it's not working and i can't help further without having access to the code.

bishalkar10 profile image
Gain Prasad Kar

Hey I faced that problem too.

Open dev tools > console

You might be getting a error or warning "MIME Type error " or something like the browser can't access the javascript and css file from the gh-pages branch.

If this is happening then follow :

go to vite.config.js. then change the base : "/" to "base : "./"`

then run npm run deploy . this might solve the problem

srutavtarun profile image
Srutav Tarun

Hey I too am facing the same issue of white screen, but when I open the console it shows,
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()"
for 2 of my files.
Could you tell me how I can fix this?

Thread Thread
rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo

There is no general fix for the 404 error. it depends on your project and why you're getting the error. if you link to your project I can help further.

Thread Thread
srutavtarun profile image
Srutav Tarun

Thanks for getting back to me! I was able to fix the problem I was facing. The error was that I had not used import React from 'react'; in my files. I came to the conclusion that the same is not necessary in React but is essential in Vite.

bishalkar10 profile image
Gain Prasad Kar

Sorry bro. I didn't see you messege. Actually I am not active here. I got the mails but I don't notice. Hope you got your problems solved.

smd profile image

Yo man, You save my ass. Been trying to solve the issue since yesterday!

Thread Thread
bishalkar10 profile image
Gain Prasad Kar

Glad! It helped somebody somebody

mash1 profile image
Mahmoud Ashraf

Clear, informative, and straight to the point.
Thanks for this article it helps a lot :)

kushalsng profile image
Kushal Singh

Thank you for this article.
You saved my life

evanwa1 profile image

Hey man, I just want to say thank you very much. This worked for me very easily and I am very thankful for your help!

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Glad you like it😇

ogzcode profile image
Oğuzhan Güç

Thank you for your article, it worked for me.

rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo

You're welcome, glad to be of help.

mhmdk profile image
Mohammed Alkayyali

Thanks a lot, it worked

rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo

You're welcome.

fulldev410 profile image
Full-stack Web Developer

Thank you. Recently I have a trouble in deployment of my vite project to github.
Thanks again.

rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo

You're welcome. glad it could help with deployment of your project.

jchooch profile image

This has all worked for me well, except I can only access pages in my site via the home page. If I copy a URL and paste it into a new web browser, I get a 404 page. I suppose it is because the index.html file is not being served in that case. How do I fix this issue? I would like to be able to access any page of my site by its URL! Thank you so much in advance.

rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo • Edited

If you're using React Router, you can use the Hash Router instead of the Browser Router.

There is also another workaround that I personally use in my projects: spa-github-pages

tanishgl profile image
Tanish Goyal

Hi! When using Hash Router, do we need to modify base path in vite.config.js to 'repo-name/#' ? For some reason, I can't test my app locally when using hash router. I manually add /#/route-path infront of the base URL for testing and then it works.

Thread Thread
rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo

There's no need to change the base to something else for the hash router to work so there should be another cause for your problem (using instead of is a common culprit).

Thread Thread
tanishgl profile image
Tanish Goyal

Hi, thanks for the information.

xjqiu28 profile image
Xin Jin Qiu

Hi, when I follow the instructions and it says published. I get a white screen afterwards with only these errors:

GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

for those two lines, here is my code:
<script type="module" crossorigin src="/assets/index-D4NM0QCT.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin href="/assets/index-bd1VVfxY.css">

I cant seem to find the answer or solution

xjqiu28 profile image
Xin Jin Qiu

Here is the file structure for the items:

Image description

joequint22 profile image
joequint22 • Edited

Keep getting a white screen when deploying my vite + react js + typescript application. I believe it wants me to fix the errors within my code but the issue is importing react. Not sure how to go about this, the website runs fine localhost but i get these errors when deploying
Image description

lewhunt profile image
Lewis Hunt • Edited

Have you got the homepage parameter set in package.json? I have it pointing to my github site url:
"homepage": "",
then the base value in vite.config is set to the folder:
base: "/react-tv-player/",

joequint22 profile image

I actually got it to work with the base value in vite.config is set to the folder:
base: "./",

So assuming youve modified the package.json as well, it should work** USING VERCEL.COM**

emphasis on the . /

fauza profile image

Hi!, this is my first time deploying my project using Github pages, everything looks good but when I try to visit my site, I only got white screen, and then I try to see at console browser and I got this error:
'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () /src/main.jsx:1'
what should I do?

rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo

"There is no general fix for the 404 error. it depends on your project and why you're getting the error. if you link to your project I can help further."

fauza profile image

thanks for the information bro, but I have found the solution

mikixit profile image
Michael | MikixIT


huyvu23 profile image
Huy VÅ©

it not work for me :((

rashidshamloo profile image
Rashid Shamloo

Please be more specific. what happens after following the steps and running the npm run deploy command?

huyvu23 profile image
Huy VÅ©

it worked , i had to wait more than 15 minutes and check again , thanks bro

joshuasarmiento profile image
Joshua Alvarez Sarmiento

Image description

Thank youuuuuuuu! hahahha

alihamza126 profile image
Ali Hamza

help ful