DEV Community

Raphael Borges
Raphael Borges

Posted on

Do you already know Digestabot?

In summary, Digestabot is a GitHub Action developed by Chainguard to keep your images always up-to-date, minimizing the risks of CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures).

Using the 'tag+digest' pattern, the Action opens a Pull Request (PR) to update the image in use, and the user only needs to approve the merge with the most recent version(s), not only from Chainguard but also from any other registry used in the repository.

Consider the following configurations when utilizing Digestabot:

  • Your images must follow the <repo>:<tag>@sha256:<digest> pattern. For example,

  • You need to authorize GitHub Actions to create Pull Requests in the Settings -> Actions tab by selecting the option 'Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests.'

Now let's create the digestabot.yml file in the .github/workflows directory.

name: Image digest update

    # Every day at 00:00 UTC
    - cron: "0 0 * * *"

    name: Image digest update
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      contents: write # Write access to the repository
      pull-requests: write # Permission to create pull requests
      id-token: write # It's necessary to create the `JWT` token

    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - uses: chainguard-dev/digestabot@v1.0.2
        token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        signoff: true # Add the email field to the commit
        author: update-bot # Set the author of the commit
        committer: # Set the committer email
        labels-for-pr: automated pr, kind/cleanup, release-note-none # Set the labels for the PR
        branch-for-pr: update-digests # Set the branch name for the PR
        title-for-pr: Update images digests # Set the PR title
        commit-message: Update images digests # Set the commit message
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For more information about Digestabot, please access the Action's link on the Marketplace or the official repository on GitHub.

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