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NLP & Sports

You might be wondering by looking at the topic that exactly what’s the connection between the two aspects.One which is the core/heart of data mining, which is backbone of many firms today and other which is loved by everyone perhaps the one we all perfom,watch and even follow.

So, coming to the question,how are both of them related? and if integrated how can they give you something different, lucrative and something interesting to ponder?

Well,the fact is NLP has been such a potential tool that it has opened the doors for opinion mining to such an extent that statergy planning is aided to the immense extent.Well by now,some of you might have got the key as to how can NLP actually be integrated with sports. Nowadays,we see a lot of sports talk shows where experts talk about how a team A has been performing,what are the key strengths and what are the opinion of the captain/players. Well,we also see talk shows where experts try to dig into what a player has said,his opinion in a press conference or somewhere else and based on it try to build some future predictions as to the team performance, statergy and mindset. If we try to replace this with NLP, trying to perform opinion mining and by NLP trying to get some vital predictions from the opinions of the team/captain/players,it can well give us some very interesting results. Well,if we all know that there are expert systems which are AI based used in healthcare sector which can act like a virtual doctor at times.If NLP could replicate the same potential in sports you might see an expert system based opinion mining which could give us some very interesting results with regards to team decisions, planning, statergy either based on their mathematical data based performance or based on thier opinion framed in natural language.

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