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Ratik Mahajan
Ratik Mahajan

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Why do we need NoSql Database

Data is new oil, we need database management technique to store the data of the application. data can be categorised into two types

  1. Relational data : this data has relations and is required for the transaction. it is really time consuming or not easy to horizontal scale SQL data though not impossible( so we need NOSQL data to scale our data management system easily)

*Below are some important reason why we need NoSql Databases

  1. Nosql databases are easily scalable, do you why are they scalable, because data is not dependent on each other. so i give you an example if you store 1000 movies in your hard drive and create a index somewhere to get the movies from the harddrive, you can store another 1200 movies in other harddrives and scale it. so as movie storage grow, you can buy a storage and create an index, this is the case with nosql databases, as data grow, you can buy a NoSql database and start experimenting with our data. this is very important. we need quick data and we need less overhead if data grows exponentially.

  2. data can grow exponentially while application is running, we can do sharding on the data. we will use shards and each shards will store some kind of common data.

  3. NoSQL system support security, you can use kerberos, password based and encryption algorithms to the NoSql database.

  4. latency, if we have data that is scattered across the server, then we may need to create an index . we can create an index on nosql servers as well, index is nothing complex but is a lookup, how we will search for an data . nosql databases if properly managed can reduce latency and respond super fast.

  5. fault tolerance and high availability: these database are well suitable for the cloud and distributed environments, they are highly available. if in case any node or any system is down, nosql databases recover well on time.

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