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Getting started with AWS AppSync Service

Author: Rajat Goel

AWS AppSync is a fully-managed service that simplifies the development of serverless GraphQL APIs. It provides a way to create APIs using GraphQL without the need to manage servers or infrastructure. AppSync can be used to build real-time and offline-capable applications, as well as applications that need to work with data from multiple sources.

AppSync supports data sources such as AWS Lambda functions, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Elasticsearch, and HTTP data sources. This allows developers to easily create APIs that aggregate data from multiple sources and perform complex data manipulations before returning the results to the client.

AppSync also provides support for subscriptions, which allows clients to receive real-time updates when the data changes. This can be used to build real-time applications such as chat applications, notifications, and dashboards.

How to use AWS AppSync with GraphQL?

To use AWS AppSync with GraphQL, you first need to create an AppSync API. This can be done using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS CloudFormation. When creating the API, you need to specify the data sources and resolvers that will be used to fetch and manipulate the data.

Data sources are the underlying data stores that provide the data for the API. AppSync supports several data sources, including AWS Lambda functions, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Elasticsearch, and HTTP data sources. Resolvers are the functions that map GraphQL operations to the corresponding data sources. Resolvers can be written in several languages, including JavaScript, Java, and Python.

Once the API is created, you can define the GraphQL schema that defines the available data types and operations in the API. The schema can be defined using the GraphQL schema language or the AWS AppSync schema language, which provides additional features such as data sources and resolvers.

After defining the schema, you can use the AWS AppSync Console to test the API and make GraphQL queries. You can also use a GraphQL client library to interact with the API programmatically from your application.

Benefits of using AWS AppSync with GraphQL

There are several benefits of using AWS AppSync with GraphQL:

  • Faster development: With AppSync, you can create APIs faster and with less code than traditional REST APIs. GraphQL provides a more efficient way to interact with the API, and AppSync provides a way to build APIs without managing servers or infrastructure.

  • Scalability: AppSync can automatically scale your API based on the demand. This can ensure that your API can handle large volumes of traffic without downtime or performance degradation.

  • Real-time updates: AppSync supports subscriptions, which allows clients to receive real-time updates when the data changes. This can be used to build real-time applications such as chat applications, notifications, and dashboards.

  • Security: AppSync provides several security features, including authentication and authorization. You can use AWS Cognito or other third-party authentication providers to authenticate your users and control access to your API.

  • Offline capabilities: AppSync provides offline capabilities for mobile and web applications. With the AWS AppSync SDK, you can build applications that work offline and synchronize data when the network is available.


AWS AppSync with GraphQL is a powerful combination that can simplify the development of serverless APIs. With AppSync, developers can create APIs faster and with less code than traditional REST APIs, while providing real-time updates, data manipulation, and security. If you are looking to build a serverless GraphQL API, AWS AppSync is definitely worth exploring.

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