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VueJS or ReactJS

R A M on May 08, 2024

Whats the best front-end to study? Vue or React?

rgolawski profile image
Rafał Goławski

There's no simple answer to that question, as it really depends on what you need. Do you want to find a job in a front-end field? Then bet on React as it has bigger community and ecosystem, hence there's a bigger chance to land a job. Do you care about performance? Then choose Vue, it's smaller and faster, also I personally think it's more fun to work with. Try both and decide yourself. 👍

alec profile image
Alexey Poimtsev

What about Svelte?

stevet profile image

Yeah I did come across Svelte, and it sounds great (no virtual DOM, less boilerplate, reactive by default, and more intuitive / easier to learn), but figured it would be safer to go with a more popular (and mature?) framework that has a larger community.

ramonortegajr profile image

Is this good for beginners?

alec profile image
Alexey Poimtsev
kaowebdev profile image

I hope it's a joke?)

alec profile image
Alexey Poimtsev

No, it's not. I tried different frameworks, but personally for me - Svelte is a best framework I've ever tried. But I'm a fullstack (backend in most) dev, so my choice is good for my requirements which is different with yours.

fiktif3000 profile image

I have heard that between Vue, React and Angular the easiest one is Vue followed by React, and Angular is the hardest one.
Personally, I would like to use the easiest one which is Vue but I will try React too. I do not know for Svelte.
I do not think I need to know all of them.

ramonortegajr profile image

should i choose Angular the hardest one so the if i switch to react and vue it would be easy?

jeromevillamor profile image
Jerome Ryan Villamor

You shouldn't. Angular is not superior to vue and react. It is harder in a sense that the two frameworks do better compare to Angular.

kyleljohnson profile image
Kyle Johnson

When deciding... Ask yourself, why make things hard? Is there something one is doing that makes what you are trying to do easier. No one cares, especially customers, which one you choose. I think people put to much emphasis on skills where the ability to learn and passion is way more important as a developer.

himisocool profile image

React is harder to work with imo, there's a lot of information that you have to learn where vue can let you get away with more and not have to know why something does or doesn't work.

After react 19 and they release their compiler it might be more equal in that regard.

dagnelies profile image
Arnaud Dagnelies

Personally, I prefer Vue. However React has a larger ecosystem.

pyr02k1 profile image

Parroting a lot of the same answers, what's your goal?
Work, React has he most reach right now. That isn't to say that you can't land a role with Vue, but the number of opportunities will be far fewer than React. That doesnt change that the competition for the role exists just the same, but there will likely be less qualified applicants as well.
For fun/personal? Vue is really nice to work with, same with Svelte. I find they're written and running quicker and I've rarely found a pitfall to either versus React.
The one that React really does have going for it, besides the number of positions available, is the ecosystem around it. Tons of ways to accomplish the same thing with ease. If you have a problem, someone's probably already came up with a solution that you can find easily. With Vue and Svelte, it can be a bit harder to find the answer, and sometimes the question has never existed to be answered so you may have to be the one to ask it or find the solution yourself.

alexmario74 profile image
Mario Santini

You should try both, that's the best way to understand the differences and make your ourn decision about.

If you need to pick one for you job, then I think there is not so big diffierence. Just check out what is known in your company.

If you're self-employed, then consider the market, what will be more attractive for your clients?

That's just my thoguts.

richardevcom profile image

React has the biggest market demand - Vue is faster and easier to write.

hilarycheng profile image
Hilary Cheng

Yes, React has a larger eco-system. But it is some-what hard to master with it. React is somewhat too complicated when you build a large project on it. Reactive System in React is somewhat messy that makes you feel very annoying. You have to think about carefully. What's the changes of the state. Sometimes, you will always forget that's the object changes even values has nth changed.

Vue / Svelte are much more easily. Just return the data that you wanna to use it in the template. You can do whatever you wants to do.

For React 19, you have to wait for it. No one knows how React 19 Compiler actually performed.

fatihkurtl profile image
Fatih Kurt

I use both, when I write react I don't get as much pleasure and fast results as when I write vue, I have used vue in many projects from big to small and I have seen that it meets every need easily and vue.js supports both jsx and html templates, but if you want easier business opportunities, you should write react because its ecosystem and business opportunities are unfortunately more than vue, so it has a lot of libraries, but vue is not far behind in this regard, if your basic javascript knowledge is good, after learning one, you can learn the other with a little effort.

kaowebdev profile image

I've tried both of this tools. Your choice depends on your needs. There are a lot of factors, such as project performance, future support, market situation, future project scaling. Personally, Vue.js is more convenience, but I like to work with React in large projects.

abrahamn profile image

Learn basic HTML, CSS and Javascript first and master those. The others are just nice to haves. But on that, it depends on why you want to "study", for more job opportunities it still seems that React is king in this, but so is Angular. On that note why not learn both? You can also widen your horizon and look at React, React itself, and Next.js. And on the Vue side, do Vue and Nuxt.js. These will let you see a lot of differences. But you can also expand your horizons with plenty more Javascript frameworks like good old JQuery, Svelte, Knockout, Ember, backbone, mithril, polymer, inferno, solid and plenty more out there. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses to look at. Some are simple additions to the basic html+css+js and some others are pretty advanced and quirky like Qwik, riot.js or Aurelia.

What's most important is the why then you can prep yourself for your journey

ufondu88 profile image


aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

If you can choose your tech-stack, I'd vote for Vue (and Nuxt to be more precise).

But you are more likely to find a job knowing React, also many customers demand it (because they either have some in their system or they think it will be easier to maintain the solution in the future). It might be difficult to reason against React's market position, although I believe Vue is a better choice.

nikola profile image
Nikola Brežnjak

It'll come down to your preference and whichever 'feels' more natural to you. I say that because originally React's JSX 'felt' wrong to me.

I created a Pokemon search application (and wrote a step by step tutorial) for both Vue.js 3 and React. You can check them here on and decide for yourself.

Hope this helps!

tassiofront profile image

That's an interesting question... In my experience, for the final users (the reason why we create softwares) many frameworks such as React, Vue, Svelte, Angular might have the same "impact"/behavior. We can create similar experiences.

But, nowadays, the community is React first. We see that by the number of people using react (check the Github API to explore the amount of people creating repositories with react vs other frameworks), the news from Frontend usually starts thinking on React, and the companies (lot of jobs in LinkedIn ask for React experience). Those to me are the huge reason why I always choose React to create real systems. It is a nice framework, it give me experience to receive opportunities, and it is easier to find people that wanna work with (from the company perspective it is so important).

rottab profile image


alexanderop profile image
Alexander Opalic


stevet profile image

Funny, I have been wondering the same thing in deciding which tech stack would be best suited for an e-commerce marketplace PWA - MERN vs. MEVN? And should Next.js and Nuxt.js frameworks be considered in that decision?

luigee profile image

I think Vue is better to start learning frontend frameworks. Once you learn something, then it will be easier to learn another framework.

jcdevguru profile image

It's a matter of opinion, but it's definitely ReactMania out there.

dtechies profile image
Roopesh Jain

Depends on your project's objective and geography and cost differentiations.

stevet profile image

Can you elaborate a little for us frontend newbs? Thanks

cgatian profile image
Chaz Gatian


premod1 profile image
premod suraweera

Can't give a definite answer. Personally I like Vue and I use it, but React has a lot of libraries. Therefore, working with react is easy.