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Discussion on: Angular - How to pass arrays via Query Parameters

ramki profile image
Ramakrishna Gottipat

Thank you for the tutorial..!!

How do we define router path if we pass array of values with query param?

const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'componentb/:ids', component: componentb }

It is working fine if i pass array of parameters like below , With query param i am getting Cannot match any routes error.

const arrayOfValues = ['a','b','c','d'];
const ids = JSON.stringify(arrayOfValues);
this.router.navigate(['/componentb', ids])

shane profile image
Shane McGowan

You are confusing route params with query params.

/componentb/:ids will only match on /componentb/1 etc but not /componentb.
In this scenario :ids is a ROUTE param, you need a query param.

You will need to change the route to

const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'componentb', component: componentb }
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and then navigate as follows

    { queryParams: { ids:  ids} }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This uses query params. The url will be like this /componentb?ids=['a','b','c','d']