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Natraj Yegnaraman
Natraj Yegnaraman

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GitHub Actions to assist with Power Apps Solutions

My Workflow

In Power Apps we package assets into Solution. Solutions are how customisations move from one environment into another. We use Solution Packager to unpack and repack the Solutions.

It is easy to do this in Azure DevOps, as there are Microsoft, aswell as third-party tools to help with this. Since there is no Action currently in GitHub Marketplace to help with this, I thought it would be a fun project to do this using only PowerShell, so I have developed these two Actions.

  1. Power Apps Extract Solution - This Action unpacks the Solution files into assets using Solution Packager and commits them into your repo
  2. Power Apps Deploy Solution - This Action deploys the Solution file into the Power Apps environment.

Since I wanted to do this just using PowerShell, I found it relatively easy to do this using open-source commandlets in PowerShell Gallery and composite run steps

Sample Workflow

Here is a sample Workflow on how you can use these two Actions in your GitHub Workflow.

# This workflow is run only manually, as it uses a workflow_dispatch. It is recommended to use cron or push into main branch to trigger this. Since this workflow also commits into the repo, use ignore tags to prevent infinite loop. Refer

name: extract-and-deploy
        description: "Solution Name"
        required: true
        default: "GitHubSolution"
        description: "Source Environment URL"
        required: true
        default: ""
        description: "Target Environment URL"
        required: true
        default: ""
        description: "Release?"
        required: true
        default: true
        description: "Managed?"
        required: true
        default: true
        description: "Debug?"
        required: true
        default: "true"

    # The type of runner that the job will run on. This needs to be Windows runner.
    runs-on: windows-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Dump GitHub context
        if: github.event.inputs.debug == 'true'
          GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }}
        run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT"

      - name: Extract Solution
        id: extract-solution
        uses: rajyraman/powerapps-solution-extract@v1.1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          solutionName: ${{ github.event.inputs.solutionName }}
          sourceEnvironmentUrl: ${{ github.event.inputs.sourceEnvironmentUrl }}
          applicationId: ${{ secrets.APPLICATION_ID }}
          applicationSecret: ${{ secrets.APPLICATION_SECRET }}
          releaseSolution: ${{ github.event.inputs.release }}

      - name: Deploy Solution
        id: deploy-solution
        uses: rajyraman/powerapps-deploy-solution@v1.1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          solutionName: ${{ github.event.inputs.solutionName }}
          targetEnvironmentUrl: ${{ github.event.inputs.targetEnvironmentUrl }}
          applicationId: ${{ secrets.APPLICATION_ID }}
          applicationSecret: ${{ secrets.APPLICATION_SECRET }}
          tag: ${{ steps.extract-solution.outputs.solutionVersion }}
          managed: ${{ github.event.inputs.managed }}

        # This step below can be removed, if you do not want to send a notification to Teams about this solution deployment.
      - name: Notify Teams
        uses: fjogeleit/http-request-action@v1.4.1
          # Url to Power Automate Flow to notify about Solution Deployment
          url: "${{ secrets.FLOW_HTTP_URL }}"
          # Request body to be sent the Flow with HTTP Trigger
          data: >-
                "solutionFile": "${{ steps.deploy-solution.outputs.solution }}",
                "tag": "${{ steps.deploy-solution.outputs.solutionVersion }}",
                "environmentUrl": "${{ github.event.inputs.targetEnvironmentUrl }}",
                "repoUrl": "${{ github.repository }}",
                "runId": "${{ github.run_id }}",
                "sha": "${{ github.sha }}"

Sample Workflow Run

GitHub Workflow Log

Release and Assets created by Power Apps Extract Solution Action

Release Assets

Teams Notifications using Power Automate

Team Notification using Power Automate

Submission Category:

Wacky Wildcards

Yaml File or Link to Code

GitHub logo rajyraman / powerapps-deploy-solution

GitHub Action to deploy Power Apps Solutions

Power Apps Deploy Solution

This Action deploys a solution file in the Release with matching tag into the target environment.


Input Required Default Description
token - GitHub Personal Access Token. This is required for downloading the solution files from Releases.
tag - Git Tag associated with the Release. If you are using Power Apps Solution Extract Action, it tags the Release with the Solution's version number.
solutionName - The Unique Name of the solution. This is used in Solution Upgrade step, if you are deploying a Managed Solution.
targetEnvironmentUrl - Environment URL where the Solution will be deployed to.
applicationId - Application Id that will be used to connect to the Power Apps environment.Refer Scott Durow's video if you do not know how to set Application Registration and scopes in Azure to facilitate this.
applicationSecret - Secret that will be used

GitHub logo rajyraman / powerapps-solution-extract

GitHub Action to extract, commit and release Power Apps Solutions.

Power Apps Extract Solution

This Action exports the specified solution in the source environment, extract and decomposes them them into individual components and commits them into the repo. This Action can also build the Managed and Unmanaged Solutions from the individual components in the repo, and publish these file to Release as assets.


Input Required Default Description
token - GitHub Personal Access Token. This is required for downloading the solution files from Releases.
solutionName - The Unique Name of the solution. This is used in Solution Upgrade step, if you are deploying a Managed Solution.
sourceEnvironmentUrl - Environment URL from where the Solution will be downloaded from.
applicationId - Application Id that will be used to connect to the Power Apps environment.Refer Scott Durow's video if you do not know how to set Application Registration and scopes in Azure to facilitate this.

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