Hello Folks!
So the other day my company wanted me to edit our huge open api spec. I gave it a shot found I was painstakingly slow at it because it was just so big.
I searched the internet but could not find a tool that gives a wow factor.
Long story short I spent 7 days to built a tool called Frogment. A typo of fragment.
The whole purpose of the tool is to make your editing simpler an easier.
✨ Product features
👉 It is Free
👉 Three Pan layout for multiple spaces
👉 Supports multiple spaces
👉 Realtime Fast linting
👉 DRY using a new idea code_blocks
. Documentation to be added
👉 Auto complete search your schemas
Top comments (3)
Kept it dead simple: express, nunjucks and jquery
Theme is custom skin on bootstrap brutopia github.com/rajnandan1/brutopia
Looks promising and neat. What did you use to build it