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Cover image for Google Meet Assistant
Rajasekhar Guptha
Rajasekhar Guptha

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Google Meet Assistant

B'coz of this pandemic situation our college have been conducting classes through Google Meet.And we can attend classes only through our college mail.This has been a big problem for us because every time meet will be opened with our default account.
And again we have to play Switch Account game..

If you ever use Google Meet for professional/college meets ,then you would also have encounter this problem of Switching Account from your default to professional one every time.

The same problem comes with Classroom also.

Now let's get rid of this problem using this Google Meet Assistant which forwards meets to your professional/desired accounts on our behalf.

Meet Asst

Github Repo

How this works:

When you enter link (similar to below one ) it will open with default google account.

    After switching account the link changes to some thing like this

    here y is your google account/user number as per accounts in chrome.

Chrome numbers your accounts starting from 0.
chrome numbering
So Whenever link corresponds to meet (similar to first link) redirect to changed link(second one)

chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function (tabDetails) {
            var tabUrl = tabDetails.url;
            var req_url_extra = "?pli=1&authuser=" + googleAccountNumber; // user input
                var redirect_url = tabUrl + req_url_extra;
                return { redirectUrl: redirect_url };
            , {
                urls: ["*"],

              //* is
              // regex for google meet links

                types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "stylesheet",
"script", "image", "object", "xmlhttprequest", "other"]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This handles most of the cases..

But in cases like this

User desired mail is y but url is related to z To handle these type of cases we need to do modification to our prev code..

chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function (tabDetails) {
          var tabUrl = tabDetails.url;
          var req_url_extra = "?pli=1&authuser=" + googleAccountNumber;

          //?pli=1&authuser=y required addition to link

          // check if ?pli=1&authuser=y is there in input link
          // if it is there then no need of modifying link
          if (!tabUrl.includes(req_url_extra)) {
            // to handle case 3
            // check if ? is there in link
            // presence of ? indicates link of type 3 
              if (tabUrl.includes('?')) {
                // removing ?pli=1&authuser=z part
                  tabUrl = tabUrl.split('?')[0];
              // adding ?pli=1&authuser=y 
              var redirect_url = tabUrl + req_url_extra;
              return { redirectUrl: redirect_url };
          else {

              return { redirectUrl: tabUrl };

          , {
              urls: ["*"],
              types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "stylesheet", "script", "image", "object", "xmlhttprequest", "other"]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Similar method for classroom links

Check my B.log

  • I am looking forward to add 2 more options..
    • Mute
    • Switch Off Camera whenever mute page loads

By @rajasekharguptha

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