DEV Community

Rainer Hahnekamp
Rainer Hahnekamp

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Ng-News: Issue 22/08

This is a weekly posting, covering the latest updates from the Angular community.

Round Table about State of JavaScript

We had a round table discussion about the results of the State of JavaScript's results. Key take-aways were that one should always be aware that trendy frameworks or libraries always rank higher in terms of interest or satisfaction. Still, one should also take into consideration the usage percentage, where Angular is number 2.

Angular Performance

Minko Gechev, a member of the Angular core team, posted a list of resources that he created throughout the years on performance. And that is quite a lot.

Web Components

Netanel Basal published a video on how to use web components in various frameworks. In short, a Web Component pack's a component into a standard format that a browser can use natively. For the creating web components, he used Lit, which is like Stencil a framework specifically created for web components.

History of Asynchronity

uidotdev released an interesting video about the evolution of asynchronous JavaScript. Starting with the classic callback function and ending with async/await. Very informative.

Despite the circumstances, have a good a week and see you next Monday.

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