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Rahul Nikam
Rahul Nikam

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What is PixsDev, what services PixsDev provide, and why it is the best company to build your software at an affordable price?

What is PixsDev?

PixsDev is a software company which helps small to large scale businesses to create, develop and optimize complex software, Websites and Mobile Applications. We have working experience with major Brands across various industries such as FMCG, Banking, Retail, Automobile, Education etc. we are specialized in providing high-quality web applications and mobile app development services. We offer our customers the best and most efficient services with a team of professional multilingual developers, designers and consultants. Our charges start from 2000 Indian rupees only and we do have experience of more than 4 years in this field.

What services does PixsDev provide?

  1. Web Application Development.
  2. Mobile Application Development.
  3. Website Designing.
  4. Desktop App Development.
  5. Web Component Development.
  6. WordPress Website Development.

What technologies do PixsDev uses to create software?

We use a lot of technologies for our software development but these are decided on basis of the customer's requirement.

We use ReactJs, React Native, Node.js, JavaScript, Python, Java, MongoDB, MySQL, HTML, CSS and more technologies to build the software.

For the website, we mostly use React.js, Node.js and MongoDB which are the top-growing technologies in the market and give the best and high-quality performance to websites.

For Mobile Applications, we mostly use React native as this technology is most favourite for developers as well as for the application because it gives you easy development with less code base with smooth performance for both Android and IOS devices.

Why PixsDev is the best company to build your software at an affordable price?

When it comes to building your software, websites and applications, PixsDev is the best company you can ever find.

PixsDev provides a full range of services that are designed to help businesses and individuals create their own online presence. Our team of experts will take the time to understand your business needs and provide you with the best solution possible.

We have years of experience in creating websites and software applications, so we know what it takes to create something that works for your company or organization. From our experience, we can tell you that there are many companies out there who claim they can build your website or application for you at an affordable price but they end up charging a lot more than what they promised because they cut corners on quality or don't make sure they follow all the guidelines needed for building a successful website or application.

Our team has been working with small businesses over the years and we have seen firsthand how difficult it is for them to get things done without any help from anyone else. So when you hire us, we will be there by your side every step of the way until we deliver an outstanding product that meets all of your business requirements and serves as an effective marketing tool for your organization!

We are one of the most reliable companies to work with because we have a group of experienced and talented professionals who can work on your project in the most effective way possible.

PixsDev has been in the IT industry for more than 4 years, providing reliable service to its clients. We have built our reputation on being innovative and flexible in our approach to development. Our team consists of highly skilled professionals who are constantly improving their skills with new technologies, practices and methodologies.

How to contact PixsDev?

You can contact us via social media (WhatsApp) or can directly call us. Our customer support team will answer your queries as soon as possible and take care of your problem. And the fun fact is we are available 24*7😛

Social Media Handles:

Call Us: 8767213959 (Rahul Nikam) | 8329187769 (Harish Choudhary)
WhatsApp: 8767213959 (Rahul Nikam) | 7558693383 (Harish Choudhary)

Top comments (1)

rahulnikam profile image
Rahul Nikam

Guys, me and my team have started this new business, please do share this post who needs to build a website, app or any kind of software at the very affordable price range.