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Comparing features of web apps with native apps

We are moving towards progressive web applications or PWA. But still there are few missing features which are available to developers of native apps but are not available for web developers. Let's have look at them.

limited excess of user's file system

Files are becoming more and more essential. Developers of native apps enjoy all facilities of creating, reading, updating and deleting files and folders. They are given full access to user's file system by native OS API. This essential functionality is missing from web. If functionality is not missing completely, we all have to agree that it is limited. For example, we cannot create directories in user's file system. It is impossible to save files at appropriate location then 'download' directory.

Limited access of running a background task

It is almost impossible to run any task in a background through websites. We have service workers. But they are not as powerful as native apps. It is impossible to play media files in background through a website. While developers of native apps enjoys almost unlimited power in this as well.

Limited push notifications

Push notifications are a key feature for many mobile apps, allowing them to alert users to important events even when the app is not actively being used. However, web applications have limited support for push notifications. Aur at least it is not as easier to send push notifications in web application. This means that web apps cannot match the level of engagement and convenience that native apps can offer through push notifications.

Limited hardware access

Web applications have limited access to the hardware of a device, such as the camera, microphone, sensors, or GPS. This can make it difficult for web apps to offer the same level of functionality as native apps that have full access to these hardware components. This limitation can be particularly frustrating for developers who want to create web apps that use augmented reality or other hardware-dependent features.

Limited offline support

One of the key advantages of native apps is their ability to work offline, allowing users to access content and features even when they don't have an internet connection. Web apps, on the other hand, are reliant on a stable internet connection to function, and they can be prone to disruptions when the connection is lost. While there are ways to improve the offline support of web apps, such as using service workers and caching strategies, they are still not as robust as the offline support provided by native apps.

Limited integration with other apps

Native apps have the ability to communicate with other apps and the operating system, allowing them to share data and functionality. This can be useful for creating a seamless user experience and enabling users to perform tasks quickly and efficiently. Web apps, on the other hand, have limited integration with other apps and the operating system, which can make it difficult for them to offer the same level of convenience and functionality as native apps. For example it is not possible to share a file directly with any web app.

Limited distribution and discovery

Finally, web apps can be more difficult to discover and distribute than native apps. While native apps can be found and downloaded from app stores, web apps are often hidden behind web searches or links and may not be as visible or easy to find. This can make it harder for web apps to reach a wide audience and can limit their potential for success.


web applications are becoming more and more powerful. But it still suffers with few limitations compared to native apps. It's worth noting that many of these limitations are being addressed or overcome as web technology continues to evolve. For example, the introduction of web APIs and new browser features is helping to expand the capabilities of web apps and close the gap with native apps. However, there are still some significant differences between the two types of apps, and web apps may not be the best choice for every use case.

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