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Abdul Rahim Shahad
Abdul Rahim Shahad

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RigWorld - Flatiron School Rails Project

I feel very relieved at last to get to this part of project mode. The blog post is usually the last thing I do and to get to this point now means I no longer have to endure sleepless nights at least till the next project is due haha.

The Rails section of this program was relatively easy in the first few weeks so it was kind of a huge shock to me when we dove into nested forms and everything all of a sudden became so exponentially hard. No, I'm not exaggerating. The difference in difficulty between the prior lessons and nested forms was so huge and glaring to see that it definitely threw me off a bit.
Thankfully, though, with the help of our very able cohort lead and a couple of youtube videos I was able to grasp enough of the concepts before project week came.

Okay, let us dive into my project. RigWorld is a simple Rails app that allows users(companies) present designs of their Rigs and other users leave reviews on them.The straightforward nature of the project meant I did not face any major difficulties until I tried to implement omniauth as a feature. The program would break whenever I tried to sign-in with an error that couldn't find the route I was sending my request to. Apparently google oauth2 does not accept 'get' requests and processes everything as a 'post' request and this was a headache for me because I was oblivious to the fact and whenever I tried to create a link to the omniauth sign in I was getting errors. Thanks to stackoverflow, the fix was simple. To specify in the "link_to" method that it was a post request and also add a csrf protection gem to my gemfile.

Overall, making this project was fun and I will definitely go back to add more features to the application!

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