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Richard Guay
Richard Guay

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Sending Emails from Command Line using EmailIt

I just recently released an update to the EmailIt that includes many great new features:

  • A TUI application for sending emails from the command line
  • The body text of all emails are processed through the builtin Handlebars parser to expand macros.
  • Removed Script Terminal for Scriptline.
  • Added many new API endpoints to use to control EmailIt.
  • Many great bug fixes and updates overall.

But, Let's just look at the commandline EmailIt TUI.


The word TUI comes from Terminal User Interface. It is basically creating a graphical user interface in a terminal. The EmailIt program is both a graphic interface and a command line TUI. First download the program from the GitHub repo: Unzip it and move it to the /Applications folder.

In order to use the program from the command line, you need to make an alias to the programs executable file for the macOS:

alias em=/Applications/
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With the above line in your .bashrc or .zshrc file (you will have to make a similar line for other shells), you can run the EmailIt program from any directory. The different command line options are shown with the basic -h or --help flag or the help or h command:

> em help
   EmailIt - A program for sending emails, working with text, and scripts.

   EmailIt [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Richard Guay <>

   mkemail, me     Create an email using a TUI
   notes, n        Open the notes.
   emailit, e      Open the EmailIt email sending application.
   scriptline, sl  Open the ScriptLine application.
   sendemail, se   Send the email directly. No GUI or TUI.
   help, h         Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   -a value       Address to send an email
   -s value       Subject for the email
   -b value       Body of the email
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

   (c) 2022 Richard Guay
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The -a flag will take the value and put it for the address to which to email. The -s flage will take the value and place it in the Subject field of the email. The -b flag will take the value and place it in the body of the email. The mkemail or me command will then open the TUI for creating the email. The sendemail or se command will take the command line information and send the email directly without using the TUI. The notes or n command will open EmailIt to the notes screen. The scriptline or 'sl' command will open the Scriptline screen. The emailit or em command will open the EmailIt screen.

The TUI looks like this:

EmailIt TUI

If you have the Default account setup in EmailIt, it will then send your email to that account. The resulting email from the gif video would look like this:

Image description

Your all set to do emails from the commandline!

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