DEV Community

Discussion on: [RFC] Airfoil: Coding an alternative to Tailwind

raghavmisra profile image
Raghav Misra

I quite like this! I personally agree with you. If one is willing to spam class="flex flex-direction-... justify...", may as well use style="display: flex; justify-content: center;". It's just about the same thing lol.

tanzimibthesam profile image
Tanzim Ibthesam

Its class="flex row justify-center items-center">
Way better than
style="display: flex; flex-direction:row justify-content: center; align-items="center">
Write 2-3 more of these nad you will feel how less Tailwind is

tanzimibthesam profile image
Tanzim Ibthesam • Edited

Wt a joke comparing inline style with classes. Lol. First go and learn waht is inline class and what are inline styles.

owenmelbz profile image
Owen Melbourne

what about when you want to change the rules on a different media query... oh wait xD you can't with inline styles :D

raghavmisra profile image
Raghav Misra

True, and the media query classes are my favorite part that no other library/framework has achieved. I do agree with that one.