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Brandon Foster
Brandon Foster

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Best Strategies and Tools for Dev Teams to Maximize Efficiency of Remote Work

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I have worked as a freelance software developer and project manager for a long time, but the shift to remote work post-pandemic has been a roller coaster ride even for me.

I remember when project managers used to be physically present to oversee every detail and quickly address issues. Now, I have had to learn new ways to connect, lead, and ensure project success from a distance. This transformation has opened my eyes to the challenges and unexpected opportunities of working remotely.

With over 62% of Americans having experienced remote work firsthand after the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become more critical than ever to understand the following:

  • How working from home impacts our daily lives, mental health, and ability to balance work and personal life.
  • What it means for businesses in terms of efficiency, managing employees, and company culture.

In this guide, I will explain how project management tools have tremendously helped me with the transition.

There are plenty of excellent tools – such as monday dev, Jira, and Wrike – I personally use monday dev, a software development management platform specially designed by for product dev teams.

A good project management tool set up with solid workflows can make working from home a breeze with its automation, cross-team collaboration, communication, and productivity enhancement features.

These features will help you excel in the four key areas you should focus on when working from home:

  • Productivity
  • Collaboration
  • Engagement
  • Accountability

In this guide, we will discuss these four key areas in more detail. We will also explore the latest research and uncover strategies to thrive in this new work landscape, whether you're a remote veteran or a hesitant newbie.

So let’s get started!

4 Key Areas to Focus on When Working from Home

The transition to remote work has been far from ordinary, but digital tools can help improve your experience. They can significantly enhance your productivity, collaboration, engagement, and accountability.

Let’s explore why it's crucial to concentrate on these four key aspects and how digital tools can aid you in this journey.

1. Productivity

Remote work is no longer a perk – it's a proven productivity powerhouse. Studies show working remotely can increase productivity by up to 77%. This increase in productivity can be attributed to the liberating factors of remote work: flexibility and autonomy.

Remote workers are ditching the daily commute and reclaiming those hours for deep, focused work. You can create your own workspace, free from office distractions. Remote workplaces also unlock a broader talent pool, allowing companies to build diverse, high-performing teams that spark innovation and drive even greater gains.

However, reaping the full benefits of remote work requires addressing potential roadblocks. These roadblocks include:

  • Maintaining effective communication channels across distributed teams
  • Ensuring technological infrastructure supports seamless collaboration
  • Combating feelings of isolation among team members
  • Establishing clear expectations around deliverables and deadlines.

I really recommend that you use a tool like monday dev, Notion, or Clickup to boost your and your team’s productivity while working remotely.

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We’ve been using monday dev for a while now as a team, and some of it’s main benefits for us have been in the form of:

  • Process streamlining through automation and integration
  • Effective team communication with user tagging and comments
  • Time tracking to optimize task management and team efficiency
  • Customizable templates for efficient workflow management and project tracking in one place.

I’ve personally loved using the new monday AI features to set up workflows and automations. Because I’ve taken on the role of ‘monday evangelist’ within our team, I attended the monday Elevate event this year, and it sounds like there are some awesome upgrades to monday AI coming in 2024! So I’m super excited about that, too.

Outside of that, our developers have enjoyed setting up workflows and automations using the native GitHub integration. All around, it has been a win for our remote team.

2. Collaboration

In-office collaboration often thrived on casual chats and being physically close. Spontaneity, brainstorming, and quick problem-solving flourished when colleagues could easily connect.

Remote work can put the brakes on that if you don’t re-think how you collaborate, and intentionally build collaboration into your new work habits.

Defined workflows and regular check-ins help everyone stay aligned on goals and progress.

Digital collaboration platforms can be a game-changer. They offer a central hub for sharing work, seeing others' contributions, and discussing projects. Using them will create a collaborative environment for teams who are miles apart.

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Some of the tools you need to make use of (that we use with our workOS software monday dev) include:

  • Interactive whiteboards: Drag and drop elements, use different colors to highlight ideas, and have multiple team members draw or write simultaneously. It makes brainstorming sessions more dynamic and engaging. We use monday’s native tool, but other popular choices include Miro and Figma.
  • Workdocs: Unlike traditional document editing tools, monday workdocs allows multiple users to edit different parts of a document simultaneously. Sure, Google Docs does the same, but having everything is one place is recommended. Notion is another tool that shines for docs management, and Jira has its Confluence docs.
  • Efficient file storage: Whichever platform you use, ensure every team member can access the most current version of a document, image, or file. This system prevents the common issue of version conflicts and ensures everyone works with the most up-to-date information.
  • Task-based communication: Instead of sifting through endless email threads or chat messages, team members can communicate directly within the context of a specific task. Pretty much every project management tool enables this.
  • Integrated chat and video conferencing: Team members can have real-time conversations and meetings without leaving the platform. This integration provides an 'over-the-shoulder' type of support and guidance. Very few platforms offer this, so if it’s important to you (we love it) then I recommend trying monday dev.
  • Status updates: The status update feature is designed to create a comfortable environment for team members to signal when they need assistance and provide task tracking. Automations are easy to set up on most platforms, but none more so than on monday dev.

3. Engagement

The pandemic drastically shifted work landscapes, with countless organizations embracing remote work.

While this offered flexibility and benefits, it also presented challenges. Keeping teams engaged and productive requires new ways of thinking and new methods. Below are some practical ways to boost engagement in the new remote reality.

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A) Prioritize meaningful work

Let's face it, repetitive tasks suck the life out of any day. Automation is 100% necessary to optimize workflows and take the load off employees.

Automation-savvy managers can streamline workflows, freeing valuable time for team members to tackle impactful, engaging tasks. Imagine setting up triggers that automatically handle routine processes—time you can dedicate to inspiring projects, not repetitive clicks!

To do this, we typically get started by asking monday AI to create automations and workflows for us, and then customize them to our specific needs.

B) Make progress visible

Remote work can feel isolating. A few months can go by, and you realize you no longer know what your colleagues are working on, where the company is headed, or what the priorities are.

Real-time dashboards show what is going on across the organization. The advantage of this is more than just being organized and in the loop. It shows how individual contributions connect to the bigger picture and prevent employees from feeling isolated and disconnected from the company vision.

C) Communication is key

Strong communication is the bedrock of any successful team – this is no less true in the remote world. Regular check-ins between managers and employees are crucial.

These exchanges shouldn’t just be about task updates. They're opportunities for feedback, open dialog, and ‘nip-in-the-bud’ conflict resolution (things can simmer for a long time in remote teams if you don’t check in regularly.)

Remember, engaged employees are thriving employees. By prioritizing meaningful work, visualizing progress, and fostering open communication, you can build a remote team that survives and thrives in the new work landscape.

4. Accountability

Keeping everyone accountable becomes challenging when team members are spread out in different places.

To ensure that each team member knows their responsibilities and remains committed to project goals, practical task assignment, and tracking are essential.

You can foster a culture of accountability by providing a structured framework for task management, progress tracking, and team collaboration. This is essential for the success of remote teams. Without accountability, some team members may take advantage of the reduced visibility to coast through their days doing the bare minimum (or less).

5 Best Practices to Follow When Working Remotely

Beyond productivity, you also need to ensure a healthy work-life balance. Below are five key steps to transform your remote work experience from a challenge into an opportunity for growth and fulfillment.

Best Practice One: Establish a Routine

Ditch the chaotic juggling act and craft a routine that balances work with your life. Utilize remote work's flexibility to discover your most productive hours and build a schedule that fuels your focus.

Set up habit trackers and reminders to keep you on track. Half the battle when establishing new habits is simply remembering to do what you set out to do.

Best Practice Two: Claim Your Workspace

Dedicate a space to work, whether at home, in a coworking space, or in a local coffee shop. This helps your brain switch into work mode and minimizes distractions. Some thrive in organized zen havens, while others find inspiration in creative clutter. Choose what sparks your productivity.

Ergonomic furniture, noise-canceling headphones, and declutter organizers can all do wonders for your productivity.

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Best Practice Three: Train Your Brain

Combating work slumps five times a day? Develop triggers to signal your brain it's time to focus. A special mug for your morning coffee, a specific playlist, or even a dedicated workspace outfit can all do the trick.

You can also try the popular **Pomodoro time-blocking techniqu**e to become a productivity powerhouse.

Best Practice Four: Build Remote Connections

Feeling disconnected? Create bonds with colleagues (or even other remote workers) by taking an interest in their lives, sharing struggles, and celebrating successes. Do this for others, and they will do it for you. And hey presto, friendships will bloom as you get to know each other. If you're single, prioritize hobbies and social experiences outside of work to maintain that vital human connection.

Best Practice Five: Monitor and Review

Reflect on what worked and what didn't during your remote work journey. Stay open to adapting as circumstances change. Consider flexible options like part-time remote work (some days in office) if you miss the office or crave more flexibility.

You’re unlikely to get it right first try. So, I recommend using progress trackers (with metrics that matter to you, like hours worked), feedback surveys, and self-reflection journals to narrow in on the best solutions for you. Because hey, we’re all VERY different!

Bonus Resources:

  • Books: "Deep Work" by Cal Newport, "The Remote Work Revolution" by Derek Thompson
  • Podcasts: Remote Work Podcast with Job van der Voort, The New Corner Office with Laura Vanderkam.
  • Websites: or for finding your dream remote job.

In Conclusion…

Remote work offers flexibility and access to a broader talent pool, boosting innovation and productivity.

However, it also demands new strategies to manage the unique challenges it presents, such as maintaining team collaboration and ensuring effective communication. Utilizing the right digital tools is essential.

By focusing on the four key areas and implementing the best practices mentioned above, individuals and teams can excel in the remote work environment.

I am curious! How has your journey with remote work been? What strategies or tools have you found effective in overcoming obstacles and enhancing productivity? Share in the comments below your experiences, challenges, and wins in adapting to this new work culture.

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