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Rafael Levi Costa
Rafael Levi Costa

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πŸ“’ Calling all Software Professionals in Fintech! πŸš€

Are you currently working or have you worked in the software sector of a fintech company? If so, this post is tailor-made for you! πŸ’ΌπŸ’»


πŸš€ Overcoming Challenges in Fintech Software Architecture: Insights from Personal Experience 🌐

πŸ” Building and developing software architectures for fintech companies can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, it becomes an exhilarating journey of innovation. Today, I’d like to share some valuable insights and tips based on my experiences across multiple fintech ventures. πŸ’ΌπŸ’»

🏦 Having worked in a diverse range of fintech domains, including white-label solutions for banks, financial product information systems, and even directly with banking operations, I’ve encountered various challenges and discovered effective approaches. Let’s dive into the key points I’d like to discuss:

1️⃣ Modular Architecture and Microservices: Among the various architectures I’ve witnessed, one that stood out was a microservices-based architecture developed in Go, complemented by automated unit and integration tests written in Python. This setup allowed for seamless communication between microservices using gRPC and ensured reliability through message queuing with Kafka. Leveraging the power of the cloud, we utilized Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Kubernetes for container management and orchestration. This modular approach proved to be a solid foundation for fintech solutions. πŸ§©πŸš€

example of code:

// Example of a service in Go using a microservices architecture
func main() {
  // gRPC Server Setup and Startup
  grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
  pb.RegisterUserServiceServer(grpcServer, &userService{})

  // Start the gRPC server
  if err := grpcServer.Serve(lis); err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Failed to serve: %v", err)
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2️⃣ Continuous Delivery with Spinnaker and Jenkins: Embracing the philosophy of continuous delivery, we utilized Spinnaker as our go-to tool for automating the deployment process. Jenkins seamlessly integrated into our CI/CD pipeline, ensuring smooth project builds and rapid iteration cycles. By automating these processes, we could focus on delivering new features and improvements to our customers efficiently. βš™οΈπŸš€

Example code in Jenkinsfile:

pipeline {
  agent any

  stages {
    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        // Commands for compiling and packaging the code
        sh 'make build'
    stage('Test') {
      steps {
        // Run automated tests
        sh 'make test'
    stage('Deploy') {
      steps {
        // Commands to deploy the software
        sh 'make deploy'
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3️⃣ Control and Security through GMUD: In one particular fintech company, we implemented a Release Management Committee known as GMUD (Governance, Management, Uptime, and Delivery). This committee served as a valuable safeguard for controlled releases, assessing the impact on customers and the server environment. The GMUD process empowered us to make informed decisions and plan rollbacks when necessary, ensuring the stability and security of our systems. πŸ”’πŸ“ˆ

Example of code:

// Example function to perform a reversal of a posting
func rollbackRelease(releaseID string) error {
  // Logic to revert a specific release
  release, err := db.GetReleaseByID(releaseID)
  if err != nil {
    return err

  if release.IsRolledBack {
    return errors.New("Release already reversed")

  release.IsRolledBack = true
  err = db.UpdateRelease(release)
  if err != nil {
    return err

  return nil
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diagram of this architecture:

Image description
πŸš€ These experiences have taught me that the fintech landscape requires adaptable and resilient architectures, incorporating the best tools and practices available. By embracing modular architectures, microservices, continuous delivery, and release management committees like GMUD, fintech companies can enhance security, scalability, and customer satisfaction. πŸ’‘πŸŒ

🀝 I’d love to connect and hear your thoughts on these insights. Share your own experiences and let’s discuss how we can tackle the challenges and shape the future of fintech together. Join me on this exciting journey! πŸ’ͺπŸ’‘

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