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Rachit Chawla
Rachit Chawla

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My Halfway to Hacktoberfest : 2nd Pull Request

Hey everyone! I wanted to share my second experience with Hacktoberfest. Last time, I worked on a project’s README file. This time, I aimed for something more challenging. I decided to add a cool feature to a Todo List project: an ESLint script. This tool checks for mistakes in JavaScript files, making the code better and consistent.

Getting Started: Figuring Out What to Do

I started by talking to the project’s team. I found an area to improve: adding ESLint to the project. ESLint helps keep code clean and error-free. First, I installed ESLint and set it up in the project. Then, I made sure the project knew how to use it by updating some files.

Setting Up the Environment: Installing ESLint and Configuring the Project

With my goal in mind, I began by installing the ESLint module. Armed with a clear vision, I meticulously set up the ESLint configuration file to tailor the linting rules according to the project’s needs. Additionally, I updated the package.json file to incorporate the ESLint script. This setup laid the foundation for the seamless integration of ESLint into the project.

Automating the Process: GitHub Actions Workflow

To streamline the development process, I implemented a GitHub Actions workflow. This automated script runs every time a new commit is made. By doing so, it ensures that the ESLint checks are performed consistently, maintaining the code quality with each update. Automating this process not only saves time but also guarantees that the codebase remains error-free and adheres to the defined coding standards.

Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned

Working on this enhancement was not without its challenges. Configuring ESLint to match the project’s specific requirements required patience and attention to detail. However, overcoming these hurdles was incredibly rewarding. I gained a deeper understanding of linting tools, JavaScript best practices, and GitHub Actions workflows, which are invaluable skills for any developer.

Link to the PR: PR24

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