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Matvey Romanov
Matvey Romanov

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5+5=? Converting values to a string or number in JavaScript

In JavaScript, data can be converted automatically or using functions. In this article, we will learn how data conversion methods work in JS and why adding 5 and 5 together can get 55 instead of 10.

Let's analyze the example:

var a = 5; // number
var b = "5"; // string
var c = a + b; 
alert(c); // 55
alert(typeof(c)) // string
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When we add 5 and 5, we expect to see the output — 10. However, we get 55 and see that the data type is not a number, but a string.

JavaScript automatically converted the variable a to a string and concatenated it with the variable b into a single string.

To make the data type expected by the developer, use conversion functions. Let's look at them in detail.

Converting to a string in JavaScript

To convert a number to a string, use the function String().

For example:

var a = 5; // number
a = String(a); // convert the variable а to string
alert(typeof(a)); //string
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Converting to a number in JavaScript

To convert data to a number, use the function Number(). Let's try converting a string value 5 to a number.

var a = "5"; // string
a = Number(a); // convert the variable а to number
alert(typeof(a)); //number
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If you use strings in mathematical expressions, JavaScript automatically converts variables to numbers.

For example:

var a = "5"; // string
var b = "5"; // string
var c = a / b; 
alert(c);// print 1, that is expected by dividing 5 on 5
alert(typeof(c)); // number
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Logical conversion to JavaScript

For logical conversion, use the function Boolean().

Types empty string,NaN, undefined, null — is converted to false.

All other data, such as numbers and strings, is converted to true.

For example:

var a = "null";
alert(Boolean(a)); // false
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var a = "0";
alert(Boolean(a)); //true
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var a = " "; // space
alert(Boolean(a)); // true
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var a = ""; // empty, without spaces and other characters
alert(Boolean(a)); // false
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Let's sum up the results

JavaScript can transform data automatically:

  • numbers are converted to strings if they are used in expressions with a string;
  • if the strings contain numbers and mathematical operations are performed with them, they are converted to numbers.

For conversion, use the functions:

  1. String() - converts data to numbers.
  2. Number() - converts data to strings.
  3. Boolean() - converts data to boolean values true or false.

Top comments (2)

lattelix profile image

Thank you for this great explanation!

ra1nbow1 profile image
Matvey Romanov

You're welcome!