I'm an engineer in a classical sense, I work with signal processing equipment, system integration, and also implement and manage corporate infrastructure. I'm not a web developer by trade, and have no such aspirations. I do however occasionally write specialized utilities for the business.
I wish to ask for a very specific thing. I would like a framework that would allow me to develop applications that will display in a web browser, developed in a desktop application manner, meaning not like traditional web development with separation of front-end and backend, separated by an API. I would like my application code to be monolithic and application be "rendered" on the server. In other words, I do not wish to (read: must not) write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, that should be handled by the framework.
I found one such example:
This is close to perfect, I'm very proficient in Java and Swing. But. My company will likely not adopt Java, and Java runtime. I can also think of a shortcoming for one of my projects, a lack of tag equivalent, for viewing recordings. This is because Webswing does not render as HTML, it is an image canvas. I would like the Framework to render into HTML.
Are there other examples of this type of framework? How about something for scripting languages, like Python or PHP? Is there something like this for .NET?
I have a much better chance of adopting something if the webserver prerequisites come from official RHEL package repos (CentOS/Rocky/Alma). My company avoids 3rd-party stuff for security reasons.
Please no troll answers like "just learn web development", it's not helpful and is not a career for me.
Top comments (2)
I found Streamlit for Python, that seems like a pretty good option to look at.
The fact that most examples I wanted to look at are broken is not encouraging, however.
Found Anvil and NiceGUI for Python. Anvil seems like a good fit for a current project I'm working on, if only not Python which is not something I have much experience with, but can make do.
Suggestions for other languages would have been cool, but I'm not holding my breath for any comments at all.
Thanks for the help everyone... Nah, nevermind. Bye.