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Completed Scrimba JavaScript Course: My Experience

Getting Introduced to the Perfect Course

I was looking for a good JS tutorial/course because I knew HTML and
CSS to create some 'okay' websites. JS is needed to add all the functionality and stuff, :) plus it's more of a programming language. HTML and CSS is more like writing a book, but JS is what is used to print, publish and correct everything (I don't know, maybe). Somebody on a web development discord server told me to try out Scrimba and holy moly it was so good. The site literally had what I always looked for : Studying but with interactive practicals so you can use the knowledge you have on something rather than spending 10-20hours on YouTube videos and reading random blogs.

The process and what I learned

Starting the JS course was bit a scary start! I felt nervous thinking it's going to be the hardest language ever, but the Lecturer was super helpful even tho he was just a recording in a screen. Taking things very slow and explaining everything properly.

What I did while I was learning JS was creating a test site and just use the knowledge I had to test on what this and that functions do. So I know why this stuff exists and why it should be used for.

I sometimes did (well, a lot) of the time do a bit of a cheating by using AI for help, but AI is just really helpful when it comes to explaining you stuff. You can't really ask MDN Docs to explain everything 😅 I used Copilot to explain me terms that I didn't understand.

After learning for a while we had to build something that will be used irl and that was a Chrome extension. Building it helped me learn everything that I thought I knew but in reality I didn't have. The more I tried all the challenges Scrimba the more I needed to learn, and it was really fun to keep learning new and old things each second!

I don't know what else to say lol, but basically at the end we built a mobile web app and I learned how to use my first database.
I did do a bit of tweaking and made my own version of the app :)
check it out here :

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