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Augmented Reality (AR) in Interior Designing

The user uses a mobile device to overlay the real world with virtual elements. The AR app lets the user see furniture or wall paint that would look real!

IKEA one of a leading furniture giant uses a catalog app in which user scans and selects the image from a printed catalog and the user can then access extended rich content!

This app allows the user to place up to 90 products from the range and explore the space in 360 degrees. As a result, in the year 2016, IKEA increased its sales by 35.1% from 27.6% in 2012. Look how the child is holding a big green sofa in hands using the AR app!

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Top comments (2)

chris_cornish_06ad0fea357 profile image
Chris Cornish

Could a small shop that sells curtains in Perth use augmented reality when dealing with customers? It'd be hard to do because there are so many styles and designs, and each house has windows which are all different sizes.

vince55 profile image
Vince Welch

Augmented Reality (AR) revolutionizes interior design, offering immersive experiences for clients and designers alike. By overlaying virtual elements onto physical spaces, AR enables users to visualize how furniture, decor, and even luxury dining room lighting seus lighting, will look in their home before making any commitments. This technology enhances decision-making by providing a realistic preview of design choices, from furniture placement to color schemes, saving time and resources. With AR, designers can collaborate more effectively with clients, ensuring their visions align seamlessly with reality. Moreover, AR empowers homeowners to experiment with different styles and layouts, fostering creativity and confidence in their design decisions.