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Scott Molinari for Quasar

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QuasarConf 2022 - Speakers and Schedule

Get out your calendar, and save the date!

When will it be?

Saturday the 9th of July, 2022 - 3 p.m. GMT

Where will it be?

Streamed Live on Youtube (bookmark the link!)

The Speakers, Topics and Schedule

(all times GMT)

Quick Welcome and Intro - 3 p.m.

Talk 1 - 3:05 p.m. - Five Refactoring Tips For Gorgeous, Reusable Code

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Let's make our Quasar code crystal clear and easy to follow, by breaking it into smaller pieces. Luke will show how you can truly separate concerns with little known, powerful refactoring techniques... Techniques that will have your coworkers smiling when they dive into your codebase!

Talk 2 - 3:30 p.m. - Quasar and TypeScript: A Deep Dive

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Yusuf will take us on a deep dive into Quasar's TS generation pipeline and JSON API structure. The history behind these, the progress we've made over the years, and future plans will also be covered.

Talk 3 - 3:55 p.m. - All is Well, When There is Quasar!

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Hari will explain how his and his team used Quasar/VueJS along with AWS & Feathers JS to help them in developing an academic platform in record time. He'll cover how they used the Quasar Ecosystem - and how they built up their Resume Builder, Simple CRUD User Interfaces, Social Feed and a Subscription & Licensing System including short demos showcasing the real world use of their use of Quasar components.

Talk 4 - 4:20 p.m. - Using the Composition API with TypeScript to Build Better Forms

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In this talk, Bruno will cover how you can leverage the Composition API by creating composables to abstract the logic out of your forms, making that logic reusable.

Talk 5 - 4:45 p.m. - Quasar Themes and Theming

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In the talk Bart will give you a look at the state of Quasar and theming. We'll go into the provided light and dark themes provided by Quasar and then look at how to expand into more custom themes, based on the gathered knowledge on how Quasar works.

Talk 6 - 5:10 p.m. - Component Testing Tip & Tricks with Quasar
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Quasar has supported Cypress Component Testing out of the box for some months, but there are some caveats due to Quasar feature-packed components having a much more complex HTML structure than native input elements.

Paolo will cover how you can add Cypress Component Testing to your Quasar project and show you some tips and tricks about testing some of the most complex Quasar components.

--- 20 Minute Break ---

Talk 7 - 5:55 p.m. - Wrapping and Extending Quasar Components using TypeScript
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Evert will showcase 2 options on how to wrap and extend Quasar components. This can be used to set defaults for properties and use your wrapped component instead of the default Quasar one throughout your application. Of course doing all this while preserving as many TypeScript/IDE features that are currently out there, like:

  • property autocompletion and type checking
  • property documentation on hover
  • typed component methods
  • typed slots

Talk 8 - 6:20 p.m. - Embedding Quasar Apps Into Lightweight Hardware

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Mike will cover workflow and methodology for incorporating Quasar/Vue Apps into resource constrained embedded systems hardware such as the ESP32 processor.

Talk 9 - 6:45 p.m. - Building Engineering Tools with Quasar

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Carlos will show two examples of Quasar apps he developed as engineering tools. He'll demonstrate how Quasar helped him with the rapid development of the tools and how these benefits can also help you.

Talk 10 - 7:10 p.m. - Lessons Learned Migrating an App to Quasar and Vue3

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In early 2022, Martin decided to upgrade one of his side projects from Vue2+Buefy to Vue3+Quasar. His application gets hundreds of thousands of visitors per day, so he had to tread carefully. Martin's talk will go into why he made the decision to migrate, what the migration was like, and how he rolled out the new version.

Should you have any questions, please post them in the comments below or join us on Discord.

Although we are planning to carry out the conference as advertised, the schedule is subject to change, without notice.

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Top comments (6)

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

Can't wait to see these talks. For me there is still a massive gulf the learning stack between base Vue and Quasar.

kissu profile image
Konstantin BIFERT

Damn, cool speakers 😎 and super nice presentation regarding dates, links etc! πŸ‘πŸ»
Wish you the best for the event. 🎊

isaacnewtonaranas profile image
Isaac Newton Aranas

πŸŒ€πŸ•™ Five enjoyable and productive hours β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ πŸ•™πŸŒ€

skmbatha profile image
SK Mbatha (Software and Electronic Engineer)

I'm soo excited for this!

benjackgill profile image

Will this be recorded and available later on? My timezone doesn't allow for me to watch it when it's live.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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