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5 Tools to Step Up Your Agile Test Management Game

Why is Agile Test Management all the buzz these days?

Agile and DevOps adoption rates have been steadily climbing over the past one decade. This has changed the way agile teams look at quality and approach testing. Namely business assurance and continuous delivery as opposed to an end-of-cycle activity.

QA is now at forefront of project cycles providing critical value to applications and enterprises. More teams have embraced Agile testing methods and tools that support this approach. With a highly outcome-oriented approach, it is imperative that the tools and project management are aligned to increase collaboration, efficiency and agility. What are some ways and tools that help you conquer Agile testing and shorten your release sprints?

Selenium WebDriver
Test Automation is one of the biggest drivers for agility. After all, automation enables easily repeatable and reusable tests. Selenium WebDriver is a widely used tool for browser-based apps. It allows testers to build keyword driven frameworks and simulates user interaction with the help of automated test cases. It is a modern solution for advanced web-app testing problems using an object-oriented API.

ActiveCollab is a contemporary project management tool that helps Agile teams collaborate and stay on top of their projects. It has a variety of features including calendar integration, task management, budget and time tracking, client discussion threats and file uploads. With email integration and task filtering, teams can quickly find what they are looking for and collaborate more easily.

Jira Software
Jira is one of the most popular agile task management tools that is designed for agile teams whether it is scrum or Kanban or your preferred flavor. Jira has a multitude of agile-oriented features, scrum and Kanban boards, reporting and dashboards, customizable workflows, filters, dev tool integrations and an ecosystem of over 3000 apps that extend its use and power.

DevOps and Agile teams can easily manage and keep track of issues through their lifecycle with Jira’s easy to use interface.

QMetry Test Management for Jira
A wide number of teams globally use Jira for project management and thus it makes sense for Agile testers to extend the use of Jira by using a test management tool inside Jira.

QMetry Test Management for Jira is a simple and comprehensive solution that brings intelligent testing features to this platform.

It seamlessly integrates testing into your project cycle and has intuitive test authoring, execution, reusability features along with support for automation and CI/CD tools. With rich analytics, dashboard gadgets, cross=project reporting and automated test case documentation, QMetry Test Management for Jira is a single tool that resolves multiple Agile test management challenges.

Trello is again a visual collaboration tool that organizes projects and tasks into boards. It is especially useful for Kanban and Scrum-based Agile practices. Trello works like a digital whiteboard and provides full visibility on projects and work status. The basic service is free of use and gives a quick overview of tasks and projects in the form of cards.

Teams can easily collaborate and organize tasks with tags, labels and categories. It is popular because it is flexible, intuitive and extremely handy to use and customize.

Testers in the DevOps ecosystem follow a more fluid and continuous QA process. The right processes and tools can help create the pace and culture required to ensure stable and business-oriented outcomes. Above all, flexibility, simplicity, ease of use and automation integration are some criteria important to the success of your test management, especially for Agile testing in Jira. QMetry Test Management for Jira has hundreds of happy customers globally, enjoying its diverse Agile testing features. Sign up for a trial now to see for yourself.

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