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Qasim Raza
Qasim Raza

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Using ChatGPT to Debug Your Code: Tips and Tricks

Beginners challenging task can be debugging code. It takes minutes to write the code but may take hours to debug it. There are many debugging software like chrome DevTools, Visual Studio Code and GNU Debugger that can help you to debug code and they are also easily available to download on different online platforms like get into my pc. But, the process of downloading them and running the debug can be lengthy and time taking as compare to the ChatGPT.
To fix issue in your CODE, ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool helping you to identify and file. ChatGPT, an AI language developed by OpenAI. We will find out and explore some tricks and tips how to debug your code by the use of ChatGPT.
Understanding the Problem
Problems must be discovered before fixing. The issues must be explained clearly to ChatGPT in clear and simple terms. Error message must be included which you receive and explain what your code is supposed to do for example
“I am trying to write a python function that calculates the factorial of a number but I am getting a recursion error”
Providing Context
Provide as much context as possible to get the response from ChatGPT share relevant parts of your CODE and explain what each part is supposed to do for example:
if n == 1:
return n * factorial(n-1)
"This function is supposed to return the factorial of a number n, but it gives me a recursion error when I input large numbers."
Asking Specific Questions
To get specific and precise answer ask ChatGPT specific questions. Try asking focused question instead of asking general question such as "Why does my factorial function cause a recursion error for large inputs?"
ChatGPT can provide targeted advice by explaining the concept of recursion limit in python and how to avoid them
Step-by-Step Debugging
Debugging process step-by-step will be guided by ChatGPT for example if there is syntax error, you can ask “Can you help me to identify the syntax error in my code”
Provide the code snippet and ChatGPT can point out the exact line where error has occur and give you correction.
Understanding Error Messages
Error messages can be cryptic, especially for those new to programming. ChatGPT can help you decode these messages. For example, if you receive a TypeError, you can ask:
"What does this TypeError mean in Python?"
ChatGPT can explain the error and suggest ways to resolve it, such as checking data types and ensuring proper type usage.
Optimizing Code
Sometimes, your code might work but is not optimized. ChatGPT can help you refine your code to make it more efficient. For example, you can ask:
"How can I optimize my factorial function to handle larger inputs?"
ChatGPT might suggest using an iterative approach instead of recursion to avoid hitting the recursion limit.
result = 1
foriinrange(1, n + 1):
result *= i
return result

Learning from Examples
It is a powerful method. Ask ChatGPT for example code snippets that demonstrate how to implement certain features or fix common issues. For instance:
"Can you provide an example of a Python function that handles errors gracefully?"
ChatGPT can then provide a code snippet that includes error handling using try-except blocks.
defsafe_divide(a, b):
return a / b
return"Cannot divide by zero"
Obstruction and time can be saved by using ChatGPT to debug your code. Clearly describe your problem, provide context, ask specific question and learn from example and explanation give you can efficiently troubleshoot and resolve your problem.

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