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Sukhpreet Singh
Sukhpreet Singh

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Advance Reusable Astro Components using Typescript

Perfect Pattern to built reusable component with typescript support, with few lines of code

How would you add a id prop conditionally in Astro

In below example we are conditionally rendering the html based on id prop undefined or present.
Yet, from first look you may get intuition it's not the way!!!

type Props = { id?: string };
const { id } = Astro.props;
{id ? <h1 id={id}> ... </h1> : <h1> ... </h1>}
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Problems such as adding more props like class, style you can't go on checking conditionally, so just let see how can we solve this issue,

Using HTMLAttributes from astro/types

Below, snippet just provides us the HTMLAttributes type for h1 and we used spread operator instead of doing class={class} or style={style} in pretty shorthand syntax.

import type { HTMLAttributes } from "astro/types";
export type Props = HTMLAttributes<"h1">;

<h1 {...Astro.props}>...</h1>
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Yet, another problem which you might face is Astro by default binds the slot type with HTMLAttributes which is not needed So, we can fine tune it By using Omit

import type { HTMLAttributes } from "astro/types";
export type Props = Omit<HTMLAttributes<"h2">, "slot">;

<h1 {...Astro.props}>...</h1>
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Okay, Bonus tip do you want to use tailwindcss without duplicating the styles in your reuseable component use tailwind-merge for solving duplicate classes issue.

install tailwind-merge

# npm
npm i -D tailwind-merge
# pnpm
pnpm i -D tailwind-merge
# yarn
yarn add -D tailwind-merge
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Now, Import it into your file

import type { HTMLAttributes } from "astro/types";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
export type Props = Omit<HTMLAttributes<"h1">, "slot">;
const { class: className, ...attrs } = Astro.props;

<h1 class={twMerge("font-bold text-2xl dark:text-white text-slate-800", className)} {...attrs}>
    <slot />
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Use Reusable component in your code base with ease

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